longitudinális súly syntax
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****** 'Egyni longitudinlis sly kezdete ' ******. ****** 'Keresztmetszeti sly utn futhat ! ' ******. get file 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\P_EgyHazGyeKe_S.sav'. execute. * 'A figyelt szemlyeknl az LxNEM0 sysmis tkdolsa'. do if (e2egyen < 20 and e2aszul = 77). recode l3nem0 (sysmis = -1). end if. do if (e3egyen < 20 and e3aszul = 78). recode l4nem0 (sysmis = -1). end if. do if (e4egyen < 20 and e4aszul = 79). recode l5nem0 (sysmis = -1). end if. do if (e5egyen < 20 and e5aszul = 80). recode l6nem0 (sysmis = -1). end if. numeric etalon92 (f1.0). numeric etalon93 (f1.0). numeric etalon94 (f1.0). numeric etalon95 (f1.0). numeric etalon96 (f1.0). numeric felno93 (f1.0). numeric felno94 (f1.0). numeric felno95 (f1.0). numeric felno96 (f1.0). numeric felno97 (f1.0). numeric ujtag94 (f1.0). numeric ujtag95 (f1.0). numeric ujtag96 (f1.0). numeric ujtag97 (f1.0). numeric cel92l (f4.0). numeric cel93l (f4.0). numeric lo93 (f1.0). numeric lo94 (f1.0). numeric lo95 (f1.0). numeric lo96 (f1.0). numeric lo97 (f1.0). variable labels etalon92 'Vlaszolt 92-ben s nem halt meg 93-ban' /etalon93 'Vlaszolt 93-ban s nem halt meg 94-ben' /etalon94 'Vlaszolt 94-ben s nem halt meg 95-ben' /etalon95 'Vlaszolt 95-ben s nem halt meg 96-ban' /etalon96 'Vlaszolt 96-ban s nem halt meg 97-ben' /felno93 '93-ban lett 16 ves' /felno94 '94-ben lett 16 ves' /felno95 '95-ben lett 16 ves' /felno96 '96-ban lett 16 ves' /felno97 '97-ben lett 16 ves' /ujtag94 '93-ban lett 16 ves, idn is vlaszolt' /ujtag95 '93 ta lett 16 ves, azta bent van' /ujtag96 '93 ta lett 16 ves, azta bent van' /ujtag97 '93 ta lett 16 ves, azta bent van' /cel92l 'Dimenzis cellk 92-ben' /cel93l 'Dimenzis cellk 93-ban' /lo93 'Vlaszolt 93-ban s sorszma 20 alatti' /lo94 'Vlaszolt 94-ben s sorszma 20 alatti' /lo95 'Vlaszolt 95-ben s sorszma 20 alatti' /lo96 'Vlaszolt 96-ban s sorszma 20 alatti' /lo97 'Vlaszolt 97-ben s sorszma 20 alatti'. execute. * 'Az j 16 vesek jellse'. if (e2egyen < 20 and e2aszul = 77) felno93 = 1. if (e3egyen < 20 and e3aszul = 78) felno94 = 1. if (e4egyen < 20 and e4aszul = 79) felno95 = 1. if (e5egyen < 20 and e5aszul = 80) felno96 = 1. if (e6egyen < 20 and e6aszul = 81) felno97 = 1. execute. * 'Az j 16 vesek ksbbi vizsglata'. if (felno93 = 1 and rsel94 = 1) ujtag94 = 1. if (felno94 = 1 and rsel95 = 1) ujtag95 = 1. if (felno95 = 1 and rsel96 = 1) ujtag96 = 1. if (felno96 = 1 and rsel97 = 1) ujtag97 = 1. if (felno93 = 1 and rsel94 = 1 and rsel95 = 1) ujtag95 = 1. if (felno93 = 1 and rsel94 = 1 and rsel95 = 1 and rsel96 = 1) ujtag96 = 1. if (felno93 = 1 and rsel94 = 1 and rsel95 = 1 and rsel96 = 1 and rsel97 = 1) ujtag97 = 1. if (felno94 = 1 and rsel95 = 1 and rsel96 = 1) ujtag96 = 1. if (felno94 = 1 and rsel95 = 1 and rsel96 = 1 and rsel97 = 1) ujtag97 = 1. if (felno95 = 1 and rsel96 = 1 and rsel97 = 1) ujtag97 = 1. execute. * 'Etalonok megjellse'. if (rsel92 = 1 and e1egyen < 20 and l2nem0 <> 1 and l2nem0 <> 8) etalon92 = 1. if (((rsel92 = 1 and rsel93 = 1) or felno93 = 1) and e2egyen < 20 and l3nem0 <> 1 and l3nem0 <> 8) etalon93 = 1. if (((rsel92 = 1 and rsel93 = 1 and rsel94 = 1) or felno94 = 1 or ujtag94 = 1) and e3egyen < 20 and l4nem0 <> 1 and l4nem0 <> 8) etalon94 = 1. if (((rsel92 = 1 and rsel93 = 1 and rsel94 = 1 and rsel95 = 1) or felno95 = 1 or ujtag95 = 1) and e4egyen < 20 and l5nem0 <> 1 and l5nem0 <> 8) etalon95 = 1. if (((rsel92 = 1 and rsel93 = 1 and rsel94 = 1 and rsel95 = 1 and rsel96 = 1) or felno96 = 1 or ujtag96 = 1) and e5egyen < 20 and l6nem0 <> 1 and l6nem0 <> 8) etalon96 = 1. execute. *. * '1993-as sly kiszmtsa'. *. if (etalon92 = 1) cel92l = 1000 * e1aneme + 100 * korcs92 + 10 * iskola92 + teltip92 . if (rsel92 = 1 and rsel93 = 1 and e2egyen < 20) lo93 = 1. if (felno93 = 1) lo93 = 1. if (lo93 = 1) cel93l = 1000 * e2aneme + 100 * korcs93 + 10 * iskola93 + teltip93 . sort cases by cel93l. temporary. select if (lo93 = 1). aggregate outfile 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\db93.sav' /break cel93l /db93 = nu. match files file = * /table = 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\db93.sav' /by = cel93l. execute. variable labels db93 'cel93l kategria esetszma 93-ban'. sort cases by cel92l. temporary. select if (sysmis(cel92l) = 0). aggregate outfile 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\db92.sav' /break cel92l /db92 = nu. sort cases by cel93l. match files file = * /table = 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\db92.sav' /rename (cel92l = cel93l) /by = cel93l. execute. variable labels db92 'cel92l kategria esetszma 92-ben'. *** Egyni longitudinlis sly kiszmtsa ***. numeric egylo93 (f10.8). variable labels egylo93 'Egyni longitudinlis sly 1993'. if (sysmis(cel93l) = 0) egylo93 = db92 / db93. execute. save outfile 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\P93_K_EgyLo.sav' /compressed /drop cel93l db93 . *. * '1994-as sly kiszmtsa'. *. get file 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\P93_K_EgyLo.sav'. execute. numeric cel93l (f4.0). numeric cel94l (f4.0). variable labels cel92l 'Dimenzis cellk 93-ben' /cel93l 'Dimenzis cellk 94-ban'. if (etalon93 = 1) cel93l = 1000 * e2aneme + 100 * korcs93 + 10 * iskola93 + teltip93 . if (rsel92 = 1 and rsel93 = 1 and rsel94 = 1 and e3egyen < 20) lo94 = 1. if (felno94 = 1) lo94 = 1. if (ujtag94 = 1) lo94 = 1. if (lo94 = 1) cel94l = 1000 * e3aneme + 100 * korcs94 + 10 * iskola94 + teltip94 . sort cases by cel94l. temporary. select if (lo94 = 1). aggregate outfile 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\db94.sav' /break cel94l /db94 = nu. match files file = * /table = 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\db94.sav' /by = cel94l. execute. variable labels db94 'cel94l kategria esetszma 94-ban'. sort cases by cel93l. temporary. select if (sysmis(cel93l) = 0). aggregate outfile 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\db93.sav' /break cel93l /db93 = nu. sort cases by cel94l. match files file = * /table = 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\db93.sav' /rename (cel93l = cel94l) /by = cel94l. execute. variable labels db93 'cel93l kategria esetszma 93-ben'. *** Egyni longitudinlis sly kiszmtsa ***. numeric egylo94 (f10.8). variable labels egylo94 'Egyni longitudinlis sly 1994'. if (sysmis(cel94l) = 0) egylo94 = db93 / db94. execute. save outfile 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\P94_K_EgyLo.sav' /compressed /drop cel94l db94 . *. * '1995-as sly kiszmtsa'. *. get file 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\P94_K_EgyLo.sav'. execute. numeric cel94l (f4.0). numeric cel95l (f4.0). variable labels cel92l 'Dimenzis cellk 94-ben' /cel94l 'Dimenzis cellk 95-ban'. if (etalon94 = 1) cel94l = 1000 * e3aneme + 100 * korcs94 + 10 * iskola94 + teltip94 . if (rsel92 = 1 and rsel93 = 1 and rsel94 = 1 and rsel95 = 1 and e4egyen < 20) lo95 = 1. if (felno95 = 1) lo95 = 1. if (ujtag95 = 1) lo95 = 1. if (lo95 = 1) cel95l = 1000 * e4aneme + 100 * korcs95 + 10 * iskola95 + teltip95 . sort cases by cel95l. temporary. select if (lo95 = 1). aggregate outfile 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\db95.sav' /break cel95l /db95 = nu. match files file = * /table = 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\db95.sav' /by = cel95l. execute. variable labels db95 'cel95l kategria esetszma 95-ban'. sort cases by cel94l. temporary. select if (sysmis(cel94l) = 0). aggregate outfile 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\db94.sav' /break cel94l /db94 = nu. sort cases by cel95l. match files file = * /table = 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\db94.sav' /rename (cel94l = cel95l) /by = cel95l. execute. variable labels db94 'cel94l kategria esetszma 94-ben'. *** Egyni longitudinlis sly kiszmtsa ***. numeric egylo95 (f10.8). variable labels egylo95 'Egyni longitudinlis sly 1995'. if (sysmis(cel95l) = 0) egylo95 = db94 / db95. execute. save outfile 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\P95_K_EgyLo.sav' /compressed /drop cel95l db95 . *. * '1996-as sly kiszmtsa'. *. get file 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\P95_K_EgyLo.sav'. execute. numeric cel95l (f4.0). numeric cel96l (f4.0). variable labels cel92l 'Dimenzis cellk 95-ben' /cel95l 'Dimenzis cellk 96-ban'. if (etalon95 = 1) cel95l = 1000 * e4aneme + 100 * korcs95 + 10 * iskola95 + teltip95 . if (rsel92 = 1 and rsel93 = 1 and rsel94 = 1 and rsel95 = 1 and rsel96 = 1 and e5egyen < 20) lo96 = 1. if (felno96 = 1) lo96 = 1. if (ujtag96 = 1) lo96 = 1. if (lo96 = 1) cel96l = 1000 * e5aneme + 100 * korcs96 + 10 * iskola96 + teltip96 . sort cases by cel96l. temporary. select if (lo96 = 1). aggregate outfile 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\db96.sav' /break cel96l /db96 = nu. match files file = * /table = 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\db96.sav' /by = cel96l. execute. variable labels db96 'cel96l kategria esetszma 96-ban'. sort cases by cel95l. temporary. select if (sysmis(cel95l) = 0). aggregate outfile 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\db95.sav' /break cel95l /db95 = nu. sort cases by cel96l. match files file = * /table = 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\db95.sav' /rename (cel95l = cel96l) /by = cel96l. execute. variable labels db95 'cel95l kategria esetszma 95-ben'. *** Egyni longitudinlis sly kiszmtsa ***. numeric egylo96 (f10.8). variable labels egylo96 'Egyni longitudinlis sly 1996'. if (sysmis(cel96l) = 0) egylo96 = db95 / db96. execute. save outfile 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\P96_K_EgyLo.sav' /compressed /drop cel96l db96 . *. * '1997-as sly kiszmtsa'. *. get file 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\P96_K_EgyLo.sav'. execute. numeric cel96l (f4.0). numeric cel97l (f4.0). variable labels cel92l 'Dimenzis cellk 96-ben' /cel96l 'Dimenzis cellk 97-ban'. if (etalon96 = 1) cel96l = 1000 * e5aneme + 100 * korcs96 + 10 * iskola96 + teltip96 . if (rsel92 = 1 and rsel93 = 1 and rsel94 = 1 and rsel95 = 1 and rsel96 = 1 and rsel97 = 1 and e6egyen < 20) lo97 = 1. if (felno97 = 1) lo97 = 1. if (ujtag97 = 1) lo97 = 1. if (lo97 = 1) cel97l = 1000 * e6aneme + 100 * korcs97 + 10 * iskola97 + teltip97 . sort cases by cel97l. temporary. select if (lo97 = 1). aggregate outfile 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\db97.sav' /break cel97l /db97 = nu. match files file = * /table = 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\db97.sav' /by = cel97l. execute. variable labels db97 'cel97l kategria esetszma 97-ban'. sort cases by cel96l. temporary. select if (sysmis(cel96l) = 0). aggregate outfile 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\db96.sav' /break cel96l /db96 = nu. sort cases by cel97l. match files file = * /table = 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\db96.sav' /rename (cel96l = cel97l) /by = cel97l. execute. variable labels db96 'cel96l kategria esetszma 96-ben'. *** Egyni longitudinlis sly kiszmtsa ***. numeric egylo97 (f10.8). variable labels egylo97 'Egyni longitudinlis sly 1997'. if (sysmis(cel97l) = 0) egylo97 = db96 / db97. execute. save outfile 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\P97_K_EgyLo.sav' /compressed /drop cel97l db97 . ***** Hztarts s Gyerek Longitudinlis sly *****. ********. * 1993 *. ********. get file 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\P97_K_EgyLo.sav'. execute. sort cases by hazon93. temporary. select if (egylo93 > 0). aggregate outfile 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\hazlo93.sav' /break hazon93 /hazlo93 = mean(egylo93). match files file = * /table = 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\hazlo93.sav' /by = hazon93. execute. var lab hazlo93 'Hztarts longitudinlis sly 93'. format hazlo93 (f10.8). execute. numeric gyelo93 (f10.8). variable labels gyelo93 'Gyermek longitudinlis sly 93'. if (rsel93 = 2) gyelo93 = hazlo93. save outfile 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\P93_K_EgyHazGyeLo.sav' /compressed. ********. * 1994 *. ********. get file 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\P93_K_EgyHazGyeLo.sav'. execute. sort cases by hazon94. temporary. select if (egylo94 > 0). aggregate outfile 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\hazlo94.sav' /break hazon94 /hazlo94 = mean(egylo94). match files file = * /table = 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\hazlo94.sav' /by = hazon94. execute. var lab hazlo94 'Hztarts longitudinlis sly 94'. format hazlo94 (f10.8). execute. numeric gyelo94 (f10.8). variable labels gyelo94 'Gyermek longitudinlis sly 94'. if (rsel94 = 2) gyelo94 = hazlo94. save outfile 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\P94_K_EgyHazGyeLo.sav' /compressed. ********. * 1995 *. ********. get file 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\P94_K_EgyHazGyeLo.sav'. execute. sort cases by hazon95. temporary. select if (egylo95 > 0). aggregate outfile 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\hazlo95.sav' /break hazon95 /hazlo95 = mean(egylo95). match files file = * /table = 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\hazlo95.sav' /by = hazon95. execute. var lab hazlo95 'Hztarts longitudinlis sly 95'. format hazlo95 (f10.8). execute. numeric gyelo95 (f10.8). variable labels gyelo95 'Gyermek longitudinlis sly 95'. if (rsel95 = 2) gyelo95 = hazlo95. save outfile 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\P95_K_EgyHazGyeLo.sav' /compressed. ********. * 1996 *. ********. get file 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\P95_K_EgyHazGyeLo.sav'. execute. sort cases by hazon96. temporary. select if (egylo96 > 0). aggregate outfile 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\hazlo96.sav' /break hazon96 /hazlo96 = mean(egylo96). match files file = * /table = 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\hazlo96.sav' /by = hazon96. execute. var lab hazlo96 'Hztarts longitudinlis sly 96'. format hazlo96 (f10.8). execute. numeric gyelo96 (f10.8). variable labels gyelo96 'Gyermek longitudinlis sly 96'. if (rsel96 = 2) gyelo96 = hazlo96. save outfile 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\P96_K_EgyHazGyeLo.sav' /compressed. ********. * 1997 *. ********. get file 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\P96_K_EgyHazGyeLo.sav'. execute. sort cases by hazon97. temporary. select if (egylo97 > 0). aggregate outfile 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\hazlo97.sav' /break hazon97 /hazlo97 = mean(egylo97). match files file = * /table = 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\hazlo97.sav' /by = hazon97. execute. var lab hazlo97 'Hztarts longitudinlis sly 97'. format hazlo97 (f10.8). execute. numeric gyelo97 (f10.8). variable labels gyelo97 'Gyermek longitudinlis sly 97'. if (rsel97 = 2) gyelo97 = hazlo97. save outfile 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\P97_K_EgyHazGyeLo.sav' /compressed. *****************************. ***** Slyszorzatok *****. *****************************. get file 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\P97_K_EgyHazGyeLo.sav'. execute. compute egylo93s=suly92*egylo93. compute egylo94s=suly92*egylo93*egylo94. compute egylo95s=suly92*egylo93*egylo94*egylo95. compute egylo96s=suly92*egylo93*egylo94*egylo95*egylo96. compute egylo97s=suly92*egylo93*egylo94*egylo95*egylo96*egylo97. fre egylo93s egylo94s egylo95s egylo96s egylo97s /format notable / stat all. compute hazlo93s=suly92*hazlo93. compute hazlo94s=suly92*hazlo93*hazlo94. compute hazlo95s=suly92*hazlo93*hazlo94*hazlo95. compute hazlo96s=suly92*hazlo93*hazlo94*hazlo95*hazlo96. compute hazlo97s=suly92*hazlo93*hazlo94*hazlo95*hazlo96*hazlo97. fre hazlo93s hazlo94s hazlo95s hazlo96s hazlo97s /format notable / stat all. compute gyelo93s=suly92*gyelo93. compute gyelo94s=suly92*gyelo93*gyelo94. compute gyelo95s=suly92*gyelo93*gyelo94*gyelo95. compute gyelo96s=suly92*gyelo93*gyelo94*gyelo95*gyelo96. compute gyelo97s=suly92*gyelo93*gyelo94*gyelo95*gyelo96*gyelo97. fre gyelo93s gyelo94s gyelo95s gyelo96s gyelo97s /format notable / stat all. sort cases by case. * 'A figyelt szemlyeknl az LxNEM0 -1 visszakdolsa'. do if (e2egyen < 20 and e2aszul = 77). recode l3nem0 (-1 = sysmis). end if. do if (e3egyen < 20 and e3aszul = 78). recode l4nem0 (-1 = sysmis). end if. do if (e4egyen < 20 and e4aszul = 79). recode l5nem0 (-1 = sysmis). end if. do if (e5egyen < 20 and e5aszul = 80). recode l6nem0 (-1 = sysmis). end if. save outfile 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\P_EgyHazGye_LoKe_S.sav' /compressed . save outfile 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\LongSuly.sav' /compressed /keep case egylo93s egylo94s egylo95s egylo96s egylo97s hazlo93s hazlo94s hazlo95s hazlo96s hazlo97s gyelo93s gyelo94s gyelo95s gyelo96s gyelo97s .