Dokumentummal kapcsolatos tevékenységek

keresztmetszeti súly output

A fájl letöltéséhez kattintson ide.

Méret 218.3 kB - Fájltípus text/plain

Fájl tartalma

-> ****** 'Egyni keresztmetszeti sly kezdete     ' ******.

-> ****** 'Longitudinlis sly eltt kell futtatni ' ******.

-> * '---------------------------------------------------------------'.

-> get file 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\6Hullam\P9234567.sav'
->    /keep
->  case    suly92
->  hazon92 eazon92 rsel92 e1egyen h1attip e1attip e1aneme e1aszul e1iisk
->  hazon93 eazon93 rsel93 e2egyen h2attip e2attip e2aneme e2aszul e2iisk
->  hazon94 eazon94 rsel94 e3egyen h3attip e3attip e3aneme e3aszul e3iisk
->  hazon95 eazon95 rsel95 e4egyen h4attip e4attip e4aneme e4aszul e4iisk
->  hazon96 eazon96 rsel96 e5egyen h5attip e5attip e5aneme e5aszul e5iisk
->  hazon97 eazon97 rsel97 e6egyen h6attip e6attip e6aneme e6aszul e6iisk
->  l2sem0  l2nem0  l3sem0 l3nem0  l4sem0  l4nem0  l5sem0  l5nem0
->  l6sem0  l6nem0  .

File d:\panel99_cd_elokeszulet\6hullam\p9234567.sav
   Created:  19 Mar 99 04:47:45 - 11.324 variables and 8.237 cases

-> execute.

Preceding task required 51,75 seconds elapsed.

-> *.

-> * 'Slyozshoz hasznlt segdvltozk ellltsa'.

-> *.

-> numeric kora92    (f2.0).

-> numeric korcs92   (f1.0).

-> numeric iskola92  (f1.0).

-> numeric teltip92  (f1.0).

-> numeric kora93    (f2.0).

-> numeric korcs93   (f1.0).

-> numeric iskola93  (f1.0).

-> numeric teltip93  (f1.0).

-> numeric kora94    (f2.0).

-> numeric korcs94   (f1.0).

-> numeric iskola94  (f1.0).

-> numeric teltip94  (f1.0).

-> numeric kora95    (f2.0).

-> numeric korcs95   (f1.0).

-> numeric iskola95  (f1.0).

-> numeric teltip95  (f1.0).

-> numeric kora96    (f2.0).

-> numeric korcs96   (f1.0).

-> numeric iskola96  (f1.0).

-> numeric teltip96  (f1.0).

-> numeric kora97    (f2.0).

-> numeric korcs97   (f1.0).

-> numeric iskola97  (f1.0).

-> numeric teltip97  (f1.0).

-> variable labels  kora92   'Egyn kora 92-ben'
->                 /kora93   'Egyn kora 93-ban'
->                 /kora94   'Egyn kora 94-ben'
->                 /kora95   'Egyn kora 95-ben'
->                 /kora96   'Egyn kora 96-ban'
->                 /kora97   'Egyn kora 97-ben'
->                 /korcs92  'Egyn korcsoportja 92-ben'
->                 /korcs93  'Egyn korcsoportja 93-ban'
->                 /korcs94  'Egyn korcsoportja 94-ben'
->                 /korcs95  'Egyn korcsoportja 95-ben'
->                 /korcs96  'Egyn korcsoportja 96-ban'
->                 /korcs97  'Egyn korcsoportja 97-ben'
->                 /iskola92 'Egyn iskolai vgzettsge 92-ben'
->                 /iskola93 'Egyn iskolai vgzettsge 93-ban'
->                 /iskola94 'Egyn iskolai vgzettsge 94-ben'
->                 /iskola95 'Egyn iskolai vgzettsge 95-ben'
->                 /iskola96 'Egyn iskolai vgzettsge 96-ban'
->                 /iskola97 'Egyn iskolai vgzettsge 97-ben'
->                 /teltip92 'Telepls tpusa 92-ben'
->                 /teltip93 'Telepls tpusa 93-ban'
->                 /teltip94 'Telepls tpusa 94-ben'
->                 /teltip95 'Telepls tpusa 95-ben'
->                 /teltip96 'Telepls tpusa 96-ban'
->                 /teltip97 'Telepls tpusa 97-ben' .

-> value labels
-> /korcs92
->  korcs93
->  korcs94
->  korcs95
->  korcs96
->  korcs97     1 '16 v alatt'
->              2 '16-29 ves '
->              3 '30-39 ves '
->              4 '40-49 ves '
->              5 '50-59 ves '
->              6 '60-xx ves '
-> /iskola92
->  iskola93
->  iskola94
->  iskola95
->  iskola96
->  iskola97    1 '8 lt.vagy alatta'
->              2 'szakmunks       '
->              3 'rettsgi        '
->              4 'fiskola,egyetem '
-> /teltip92
->  teltip93
->  teltip94
->  teltip95
->  teltip96
->  teltip97    1 'tanya,kzsg'
->              2 'vros       '
->              3 'fvros     ' .

-> execute.

Preceding task required 2,04 seconds elapsed.

-> *.

-> * 'Segdvltozk rtkadsa'.

-> *.

-> compute kora92 = 92 - e1aszul.

-> compute kora93 = 93 - e2aszul.

-> compute kora94 = 94 - e3aszul.

-> compute kora95 = 95 - e4aszul.

-> compute kora96 = 96 - e5aszul.

-> compute kora97 = 97 - e6aszul.

-> execute.

Preceding task required 2,01 seconds elapsed.

-> * '1992-es adatok'.

-> if (kora92 < 16)                 korcs92 = 1.

-> if (kora92 > 15 and kora92 < 30) korcs92 = 2.

-> if (kora92 > 29 and kora92 < 40) korcs92 = 3.

-> if (kora92 > 39 and kora92 < 50) korcs92 = 4.

-> if (kora92 > 49 and kora92 < 60) korcs92 = 5.

-> if (kora92 > 59)                 korcs92 = 6.

-> if (e1iisk < 6) iskola92 = 1.

-> if (e1iisk = 6) iskola92 = 2.

-> if (e1iisk = 7) iskola92 = 3.

-> if (e1iisk > 7) iskola92 = 4.

-> compute e1attip = h1attip.

-> if (e1attip < 3) teltip92 = 1.

-> if (e1attip = 3) teltip92 = 2.

-> if (e1attip = 4) teltip92 = 2.

-> if (e1attip = 5) teltip92 = 3.

-> execute.

Preceding task required 1,58 seconds elapsed.

-> * '1993-as adatok'.

-> if (kora93 < 16)                 korcs93 = 1.

-> if (kora93 > 15 and kora93 < 30) korcs93 = 2.

-> if (kora93 > 29 and kora93 < 40) korcs93 = 3.

-> if (kora93 > 39 and kora93 < 50) korcs93 = 4.

-> if (kora93 > 49 and kora93 < 60) korcs93 = 5.

-> if (kora93 > 59)                 korcs93 = 6.

-> if (e2iisk < 6) iskola93 = 1.

-> if (e2iisk = 6) iskola93 = 2.

-> if (e2iisk = 7) iskola93 = 3.

-> if (e2iisk > 7) iskola93 = 4.

-> compute e2attip = h2attip.

-> if (e2attip < 3) teltip93 = 1.

-> if (e2attip = 3) teltip93 = 2.

-> if (e2attip = 4) teltip93 = 2.

-> if (e2attip = 5) teltip93 = 3.

-> execute.

Preceding task required 1,43 seconds elapsed.

-> * '1994-es adatok'.

-> if (kora94 < 16)                 korcs94 = 1.

-> if (kora94 > 15 and kora94 < 30) korcs94 = 2.

-> if (kora94 > 29 and kora94 < 40) korcs94 = 3.

-> if (kora94 > 39 and kora94 < 50) korcs94 = 4.

-> if (kora94 > 49 and kora94 < 60) korcs94 = 5.

-> if (kora94 > 59)                 korcs94 = 6.

-> if (e3iisk < 6) iskola94 = 1.

-> if (e3iisk = 6) iskola94 = 2.

-> if (e3iisk = 7) iskola94 = 3.

-> if (e3iisk > 7) iskola94 = 4.

-> compute e3attip = h3attip.

-> if (e3attip < 3) teltip94 = 1.

-> if (e3attip = 3) teltip94 = 2.

-> if (e3attip = 4) teltip94 = 2.

-> if (e3attip = 5) teltip94 = 3.

-> execute.

Preceding task required 1,26 seconds elapsed.

-> * '1995-s adatok'.

-> if (kora95 < 16)                 korcs95 = 1.

-> if (kora95 > 15 and kora95 < 30) korcs95 = 2.

-> if (kora95 > 29 and kora95 < 40) korcs95 = 3.

-> if (kora95 > 39 and kora95 < 50) korcs95 = 4.

-> if (kora95 > 49 and kora95 < 60) korcs95 = 5.

-> if (kora95 > 59)                 korcs95 = 6.

-> if (e4iisk < 6) iskola95 = 1.

-> if (e4iisk = 6) iskola95 = 2.

-> if (e4iisk = 7) iskola95 = 3.

-> if (e4iisk > 7) iskola95 = 4.

-> compute e4attip = h4attip.

-> if (e4attip < 3) teltip95 = 1.

-> if (e4attip = 3) teltip95 = 2.

-> if (e4attip = 4) teltip95 = 2.

-> if (e4attip = 5) teltip95 = 3.

-> execute.

Preceding task required 1,37 seconds elapsed.

-> * '1996-os adatok'.

-> if (kora96 < 16)                 korcs96 = 1.

-> if (kora96 > 15 and kora96 < 30) korcs96 = 2.

-> if (kora96 > 29 and kora96 < 40) korcs96 = 3.

-> if (kora96 > 39 and kora96 < 50) korcs96 = 4.

-> if (kora96 > 49 and kora96 < 60) korcs96 = 5.

-> if (kora96 > 59)                 korcs96 = 6.

-> if (e5iisk < 6) iskola96 = 1.

-> if (e5iisk = 6) iskola96 = 2.

-> if (e5iisk = 7) iskola96 = 3.

-> if (e5iisk > 7) iskola96 = 4.

-> compute e5attip = h5attip.

-> if (e5attip < 3) teltip96 = 1.

-> if (e5attip = 3) teltip96 = 2.

-> if (e5attip = 4) teltip96 = 2.

-> if (e5attip = 5) teltip96 = 3.

-> execute.

Preceding task required 1,36 seconds elapsed.

-> * '1997-es adatok'.

-> if (kora97 < 16)                 korcs97 = 1.

-> if (kora97 > 15 and kora97 < 30) korcs97 = 2.

-> if (kora97 > 29 and kora97 < 40) korcs97 = 3.

-> if (kora97 > 39 and kora97 < 50) korcs97 = 4.

-> if (kora97 > 49 and kora97 < 60) korcs97 = 5.

-> if (kora97 > 59)                 korcs97 = 6.

-> if (e6iisk < 6) iskola97 = 1.

-> if (e6iisk = 6) iskola97 = 2.

-> if (e6iisk = 7) iskola97 = 3.

-> if (e6iisk > 7) iskola97 = 4.

-> compute e6attip = h6attip.

-> if (e6attip < 3) teltip97 = 1.

-> if (e6attip = 3) teltip97 = 2.

-> if (e6attip = 4) teltip97 = 2.

-> if (e6attip = 5) teltip97 = 3.

-> execute.

Preceding task required 1,31 seconds elapsed.

-> *.

-> * 'Segdvltozk rtkads vge'.

-> *.

-> save outfile 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\SulySegd.sav'
->     /compressed.

Time stamp on saved file:  19 Mar 99 09:56:06
File contains 90 variables, 720 bytes per case before compression
8.237 cases were written to d:\panel99_cd_elokeszulet\sulyfile-ok\sulysegd.sav

Preceding task required ,76 seconds elapsed.

-> * '---------------------------------------------------------------'.

-> get file 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\SulySegd.sav'.

File d:\panel99_cd_elokeszulet\sulyfile-ok\sulysegd.sav
   Created:  19 Mar 99 09:56:06 - 90 variables and 8.237 cases

-> execute.

Preceding task required ,00 seconds elapsed.

-> numeric cel92k (f4.0).

-> numeric cel93k (f4.0).

-> variable labels  cel92k 'Dim.cellk keresztm.sulyhoz 92-ben'
->                 /cel93k 'Dim.cellk keresztm.sulyhoz 93-ban'
-> if (rsel92    =  1 and
->     l2nem0   <>  1 and
->     l2nem0   <>  8 or
->     sysmis(l2nem0)) cel92k = e1aneme  * 1000 +
->                              korcs92  *  100 +
->                              iskola92 *   10 +
->                              teltip92 .

-> if (rsel93    =  1) cel93k = e2aneme  * 1000 +
->                              korcs93  *  100 +
->                              iskola93 *   10 +
->                              teltip93 .

-> sort cases by cel93k.

The file to be sorted contains 8.237 cases of 736 bytes each.
At least 6.958.692 bytes of memory are available to the sort.
14.876 bytes is the minimum in which the sort will run.
6.958.692 bytes would suffice for an in-memory sort.

Successful completion of the sort.

Preceding task required 3,94 seconds elapsed.

-> temporary.

-> select if (sysmis(cel93k) = 0).

-> aggregate outfile 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\k93db.sav'
->            /break cel93k
->            /k93db = nu.

AGGREGATE problem requires 176 bytes of memory.
plus 36 bytes per case in the aggregated file.

Time stamp on saved file:  19 Mar 99 09:56:11
File contains 2 variables, 16 bytes per case

A system file has been written to d:\panel99_cd_elokeszulet\sulyfile-ok\k93db.sav
It contains 2 variable(s) and 120 case(s).

Preceding task required ,50 seconds elapsed.

-> match files file  = *
->            /table = 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\k93db.sav'
->            /by    = cel93k.

File d:\panel99_cd_elokeszulet\sulyfile-ok\k93db.sav
   Created:  19 Mar 99 09:56:11 - 2 variables and 120 cases

-> execute.

Preceding task required 1,36 seconds elapsed.

-> variable labels k93db 'cel93k kategria esetszma 93-ban'.

-> sort cases by cel92k.

The file to be sorted contains 8.237 cases of 744 bytes each.
At least 7.024.620 bytes of memory are available to the sort.
14.908 bytes is the minimum in which the sort will run.
7.024.620 bytes would suffice for an in-memory sort.

Successful completion of the sort.

Preceding task required 1,59 seconds elapsed.

-> temporary.

-> select if (sysmis(cel92k) = 0).

-> aggregate outfile 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\k92db.sav'
->            /break cel92k
->            /k92db = nu.

AGGREGATE problem requires 176 bytes of memory.
plus 36 bytes per case in the aggregated file.

Time stamp on saved file:  19 Mar 99 09:56:15
File contains 2 variables, 16 bytes per case

A system file has been written to d:\panel99_cd_elokeszulet\sulyfile-ok\k92db.sav
It contains 2 variable(s) and 120 case(s).

Preceding task required ,45 seconds elapsed.

-> sort cases by cel93k.

The file to be sorted contains 8.237 cases of 744 bytes each.
At least 7.024.620 bytes of memory are available to the sort.
14.908 bytes is the minimum in which the sort will run.
7.024.620 bytes would suffice for an in-memory sort.

Successful completion of the sort.

Preceding task required 1,00 seconds elapsed.

-> match files file  = *
->            /table = 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\k92db.sav'
->            /rename (cel92k = cel93k)
->            /by    = cel93k.

File d:\panel99_cd_elokeszulet\sulyfile-ok\k92db.sav
   Created:  19 Mar 99 09:56:15 - 2 variables and 120 cases

-> execute.

Preceding task required 1,52 seconds elapsed.

-> variable labels k92db 'cel93k kategria esetszma 92-ben'.

-> numeric egyke93 (f10.8).

-> variable labels egyke93 'Egyni keresztmetszeti sly 1993'.

-> compute egyke93 = k92db / k93db .

-> frequencies
->   variables egyke93 /stat all.

Memory allows a total of 374.491 values accumulated across all variables.
There may be up to 46.811 value labels for each variable.

EGYKE93   Egyni keresztmetszeti sly 1993

                                                        Valid     Cum
Value Label                 Value  Frequency  Percent  Percent  Percent

                        ,52631579        19       ,2       ,4       ,4
                        ,69230769        13       ,2       ,2       ,6
                        ,74000000        50       ,6       ,9      1,5
                        ,75000000         8       ,1       ,1      1,7
                        ,79166667        48       ,6       ,9      2,6
                        ,80000000        30       ,4       ,6      3,1
                        ,81818182        11       ,1       ,2      3,3
                        ,82191781        73       ,9      1,4      4,7
                        ,83333333        30       ,4       ,6      5,3
                        ,85294118        68       ,8      1,3      6,5
                        ,85714286        28       ,3       ,5      7,1
                        ,86021505        93      1,1      1,7      8,8
                        ,86363636        22       ,3       ,4      9,2
                        ,86956522        23       ,3       ,4      9,6
                        ,88095238        42       ,5       ,8     10,4
                        ,88461538       104      1,3      1,9     12,4
                        ,89473684        38       ,5       ,7     13,1
                        ,89743590        39       ,5       ,7     13,8
                        ,90000000        20       ,2       ,4     14,2
                        ,92000000        50       ,6       ,9     15,1
                        ,92307692        91      1,1      1,7     16,8
                        ,92857143        70       ,8      1,3     18,1
                        ,93103448        58       ,7      1,1     19,2
                        ,93548387        93      1,1      1,7     20,9
                        ,93939394        33       ,4       ,6     21,5
                        ,94117647        17       ,2       ,3     21,8
                        ,94285714        35       ,4       ,7     22,5
                        ,94444444        36       ,4       ,7     23,2
                        ,95238095        42       ,5       ,8     24,0
                        ,96153846        26       ,3       ,5     24,4
                        ,96666667        30       ,4       ,6     25,0
                        ,97297297        37       ,4       ,7     25,7
                        ,97560976        41       ,5       ,8     26,5
                        ,99236641       262      3,2      4,9     31,3
                       1,00000000       302      3,7      5,6     37,0
                       1,01379310       145      1,8      2,7     39,7
                       1,01785714        56       ,7      1,0     40,7
                       1,02000000       100      1,2      1,9     42,6
                       1,03000000       100      1,2      1,9     44,5
                       1,03703704        27       ,3       ,5     45,0
                       1,03846154        26       ,3       ,5     45,4
                       1,03902439       205      2,5      3,8     49,3
                       1,04000000        25       ,3       ,5     49,7
                       1,04166667        72       ,9      1,3     51,1
                       1,04651163        43       ,5       ,8     51,9
                       1,05555556        36       ,4       ,7     52,6
                       1,05714286        70       ,8      1,3     53,9
                       1,06349206        63       ,8      1,2     55,0
                       1,06382979        47       ,6       ,9     55,9
                       1,06666667        30       ,4       ,6     56,5
                       1,06779661        59       ,7      1,1     57,6
                       1,06849315        73       ,9      1,4     58,9
                       1,06896552        29       ,4       ,5     59,5
                       1,07058824        85      1,0      1,6     61,1
                       1,07500000        40       ,5       ,7     61,8
                       1,07692308        52       ,6      1,0     62,8
                       1,08333333        12       ,1       ,2     63,0
                       1,08695652        23       ,3       ,4     63,4
                       1,08750000        80      1,0      1,5     64,9
                       1,09090909        11       ,1       ,2     65,1
                       1,10256410        39       ,5       ,7     65,9
                       1,11111111       117      1,4      2,2     68,0
                       1,11363636        44       ,5       ,8     68,9
                       1,11428571       105      1,3      2,0     70,8
                       1,11764706        17       ,2       ,3     71,1
                       1,12195122        41       ,5       ,8     71,9
                       1,12500000         8       ,1       ,1     72,1
                       1,12658228        79      1,0      1,5     73,5
                       1,12903226        31       ,4       ,6     74,1
                       1,13043478        23       ,3       ,4     74,5
                       1,13333333        45       ,5       ,8     75,4
                       1,14062500        64       ,8      1,2     76,6
                       1,14102564        78       ,9      1,5     78,0
                       1,15000000        20       ,2       ,4     78,4
                       1,15384615        13       ,2       ,2     78,6
                       1,17142857        35       ,4       ,7     79,3
                       1,18750000        32       ,4       ,6     79,9
                       1,19148936        47       ,6       ,9     80,8
                       1,19254658       161      2,0      3,0     83,8
                       1,19298246        57       ,7      1,1     84,8
                       1,19565217        46       ,6       ,9     85,7
                       1,19626168       107      1,3      2,0     87,7
                       1,21739130        92      1,1      1,7     89,4
                       1,22222222        18       ,2       ,3     89,7
                       1,22916667        96      1,2      1,8     91,5
                       1,25000000        52       ,6      1,0     92,5
                       1,26086957        23       ,3       ,4     92,9
                       1,28571429         7       ,1       ,1     93,1
                       1,29729730        37       ,4       ,7     93,8
                       1,30188679        53       ,6      1,0     94,7
                       1,30769231        26       ,3       ,5     95,2
                       1,31578947        38       ,5       ,7     95,9
                       1,33962264        53       ,6      1,0     96,9
                       1,37254902        51       ,6      1,0     97,9
                       1,38888889        18       ,2       ,3     98,2
                       1,40000000        15       ,2       ,3     98,5
                       1,53571429        28       ,3       ,5     99,0
                       1,68750000        16       ,2       ,3     99,3
                       1,82352941        17       ,2       ,3     99,6
                       1,87500000         8       ,1       ,1     99,8
                       1,91666667        12       ,1       ,2    100,0
                        ,              2877     34,9   Missing
                                     -------  -------  -------
                            Total      8237    100,0    100,0

Mean          1,059      Std err        ,002      Median        1,042
Mode          1,000      Std dev        ,158      Variance       ,025
Kurtosis      4,829      S E Kurt       ,067      Skewness      1,106
S E Skew       ,033      Range         1,390      Minimum        ,526
Maximum       1,917      Sum        5674,000

Valid cases    5360      Missing cases   2877

Preceding task required 2,26 seconds elapsed.

-> save outfile 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\p93_EgyKe.sav'
->     /compressed
->     /drop cel93k k93db .

Time stamp on saved file:  19 Mar 99 09:56:21
File contains 93 variables, 744 bytes per case before compression
8.237 cases were written to d:\panel99_cd_elokeszulet\sulyfile-ok\p93_egyke.sav

Preceding task required ,74 seconds elapsed.

-> ********.

-> * 1994 *.

-> ********.

-> get file 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\p93_EgyKe.sav'.

File d:\panel99_cd_elokeszulet\sulyfile-ok\p93_egyke.sav
   Created:  19 Mar 99 09:56:21 - 93 variables and 8.237 cases

-> execute.

Preceding task required ,00 seconds elapsed.

-> numeric cel93k (f4.0).

-> numeric cel94k (f4.0).

-> variable labels  cel93k 'Dim.cellk keresztm.sulyhoz 93-ban'
->                 /cel94k 'Dim.cellk keresztm.sulyhoz 94-ben'
-> if (rsel93    =  1 and
->     l3nem0   <>  1 and
->     l3nem0   <>  8 or
->     sysmis(l3nem0)) cel93k = e2aneme  * 1000 +
->                              korcs93  *  100 +
->                              iskola93 *   10 +
->                              teltip93 .

-> if (rsel94    =  1) cel94k = e3aneme  * 1000 +
->                              korcs94  *  100 +
->                              iskola94 *   10 +
->                              teltip94 .

-> sort cases by cel94k.

The file to be sorted contains 8.237 cases of 760 bytes each.
At least 7.156.452 bytes of memory are available to the sort.
14.948 bytes is the minimum in which the sort will run.
7.156.452 bytes would suffice for an in-memory sort.

Successful completion of the sort.

Preceding task required 3,91 seconds elapsed.

-> temporary.

-> select if (sysmis(cel94k) = 0).

-> aggregate outfile 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\k94db.sav'
->            /break cel94k
->            /k94db = nu.

AGGREGATE problem requires 176 bytes of memory.
plus 36 bytes per case in the aggregated file.

Time stamp on saved file:  19 Mar 99 09:56:26
File contains 2 variables, 16 bytes per case

A system file has been written to d:\panel99_cd_elokeszulet\sulyfile-ok\k94db.sav
It contains 2 variable(s) and 120 case(s).

Preceding task required ,51 seconds elapsed.

-> match files file  = *
->            /table = 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\k94db.sav'
->            /by    = cel94k.

File d:\panel99_cd_elokeszulet\sulyfile-ok\k94db.sav
   Created:  19 Mar 99 09:56:26 - 2 variables and 120 cases

-> execute.

Preceding task required 1,34 seconds elapsed.

-> variable labels k94db 'cel94k kategria esetszma 94-ben'.

-> sort cases by cel93k.

The file to be sorted contains 8.237 cases of 768 bytes each.
At least 7.222.380 bytes of memory are available to the sort.
14.980 bytes is the minimum in which the sort will run.
7.222.380 bytes would suffice for an in-memory sort.

Successful completion of the sort.

Preceding task required 1,61 seconds elapsed.

-> temporary.

-> select if (sysmis(cel93k) = 0).

-> aggregate outfile 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\k93db.sav'
->            /break cel93k
->            /k93db = nu.

AGGREGATE problem requires 176 bytes of memory.
plus 36 bytes per case in the aggregated file.

Time stamp on saved file:  19 Mar 99 09:56:31
File contains 2 variables, 16 bytes per case

A system file has been written to d:\panel99_cd_elokeszulet\sulyfile-ok\k93db.sav
It contains 2 variable(s) and 120 case(s).

Preceding task required ,44 seconds elapsed.

-> sort cases by cel94k.

The file to be sorted contains 8.237 cases of 768 bytes each.
At least 7.222.380 bytes of memory are available to the sort.
14.980 bytes is the minimum in which the sort will run.
7.222.380 bytes would suffice for an in-memory sort.

Successful completion of the sort.

Preceding task required 1,00 seconds elapsed.

-> match files file  = *
->            /table = 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\k93db.sav'
->            /rename (cel93k = cel94k)
->            /by    = cel94k.

File d:\panel99_cd_elokeszulet\sulyfile-ok\k93db.sav
   Created:  19 Mar 99 09:56:31 - 2 variables and 120 cases

-> execute.

Preceding task required 1,50 seconds elapsed.

-> variable labels k93db 'cel94k kategria esetszma 93-ben'.

-> numeric egyke94 (f10.8).

-> variable labels egyke94 'Egyni keresztmetszeti sly 1994'.

-> compute egyke94 = k93db / k94db .

-> frequencies
->   variables egyke94 /stat all.

Memory allows a total of 374.491 values accumulated across all variables.
There may be up to 46.811 value labels for each variable.

EGYKE94   Egyni keresztmetszeti sly 1994

                                                        Valid     Cum
Value Label                 Value  Frequency  Percent  Percent  Percent

                        ,50000000         4       ,0       ,1       ,1
                        ,55555556        18       ,2       ,4       ,4
                        ,58333333        12       ,1       ,2       ,7
                        ,60000000        10       ,1       ,2       ,9
                        ,66666667         9       ,1       ,2      1,1
                        ,77272727        88      1,1      1,8      2,8
                        ,78947368        19       ,2       ,4      3,2
                        ,80000000        15       ,2       ,3      3,5
                        ,80952381        21       ,3       ,4      3,9
                        ,81250000        32       ,4       ,6      4,6
                        ,81818182        11       ,1       ,2      4,8
                        ,84615385        13       ,2       ,3      5,1
                        ,87500000         8       ,1       ,2      5,2
                        ,88095238        42       ,5       ,8      6,1
                        ,88571429        35       ,4       ,7      6,8
                        ,88888889         9       ,1       ,2      7,0
                        ,89473684        38       ,5       ,8      7,7
                        ,90000000        20       ,2       ,4      8,1
                        ,92105263        38       ,5       ,8      8,9
                        ,92592593        27       ,3       ,5      9,4
                        ,92957746       142      1,7      2,9     12,3
                        ,93333333        60       ,7      1,2     13,5
                        ,94000000        50       ,6      1,0     14,5
                        ,94117647        51       ,6      1,0     15,5
                        ,94202899        69       ,8      1,4     16,9
                        ,96000000        50       ,6      1,0     17,9
                        ,96153846        26       ,3       ,5     18,4
                        ,96341463        82      1,0      1,6     20,1
                        ,96721311        61       ,7      1,2     21,3
                        ,96774194        31       ,4       ,6     21,9
                        ,97142857        35       ,4       ,7     22,6
                        ,97872340       235      2,9      4,7     27,4
                        ,98076923        52       ,6      1,0     28,4
                        ,98630137       219      2,7      4,4     32,8
                        ,98969072       194      2,4      3,9     36,7
                       1,00000000        98      1,2      2,0     38,7
                       1,01298701        77       ,9      1,5     40,2
                       1,01785714        56       ,7      1,1     41,3
                       1,01948052       154      1,9      3,1     44,4
                       1,02040816        49       ,6      1,0     45,4
                       1,02857143        35       ,4       ,7     46,1
                       1,02868852       244      3,0      4,9     51,0
                       1,02941176       170      2,1      3,4     54,4
                       1,03488372        86      1,0      1,7     56,2
                       1,03703704        27       ,3       ,5     56,7
                       1,04054054        74       ,9      1,5     58,2
                       1,05769231        52       ,6      1,0     59,2
                       1,06250000        32       ,4       ,6     59,9
                       1,06593407        91      1,1      1,8     61,7
                       1,06976744        86      1,0      1,7     63,4
                       1,07142857        98      1,2      2,0     65,4
                       1,07317073        41       ,5       ,8     66,2
                       1,07692308        65       ,8      1,3     67,5
                       1,07894737        38       ,5       ,8     68,3
                       1,08510638        47       ,6       ,9     69,3
                       1,08620690        58       ,7      1,2     70,4
                       1,08823529        34       ,4       ,7     71,1
                       1,09523810        42       ,5       ,8     71,9
                       1,10000000        40       ,5       ,8     72,7
                       1,10526316        19       ,2       ,4     73,1
                       1,10714286        28       ,3       ,6     73,7
                       1,12500000        72       ,9      1,4     75,1
                       1,13333333        15       ,2       ,3     75,4
                       1,13513514        74       ,9      1,5     76,9
                       1,14062500        64       ,8      1,3     78,2
                       1,15384615        26       ,3       ,5     78,7
                       1,16666667        54       ,7      1,1     79,8
                       1,17500000        40       ,5       ,8     80,6
                       1,18181818       132      1,6      2,7     83,3
                       1,18421053        38       ,5       ,8     84,0
                       1,18750000        48       ,6      1,0     85,0
                       1,19047619        42       ,5       ,8     85,9
                       1,19402985        67       ,8      1,3     87,2
                       1,20000000         5       ,1       ,1     87,3
                       1,22033898        59       ,7      1,2     88,5
                       1,22222222        45       ,5       ,9     89,4
                       1,23076923        52       ,6      1,0     90,4
                       1,23809524        21       ,3       ,4     90,9
                       1,24000000        25       ,3       ,5     91,4
                       1,25000000        48       ,6      1,0     92,3
                       1,26086957        23       ,3       ,5     92,8
                       1,26923077        26       ,3       ,5     93,3
                       1,28571429        35       ,4       ,7     94,0
                       1,30000000        10       ,1       ,2     94,2
                       1,32432432        37       ,4       ,7     95,0
                       1,33333333        30       ,4       ,6     95,6
                       1,34375000        32       ,4       ,6     96,2
                       1,38461538        13       ,2       ,3     96,5
                       1,40740741        27       ,3       ,5     97,0
                       1,41176471        17       ,2       ,3     97,3
                       1,41666667        12       ,1       ,2     97,6
                       1,41935484        31       ,4       ,6     98,2
                       1,42857143         7       ,1       ,1     98,4
                       1,45454545        22       ,3       ,4     98,8
                       1,52631579        19       ,2       ,4     99,2
                       1,54838710        31       ,4       ,6     99,8
                       1,83333333         6       ,1       ,1     99,9
                       2,00000000         4       ,0       ,1    100,0
                        ,              3261     39,6   Missing
                                     -------  -------  -------
                            Total      8237    100,0    100,0

Mean          1,055      Std err        ,002      Median        1,029
Mode          1,029      Std dev        ,148      Variance       ,022
Kurtosis      3,590      S E Kurt       ,069      Skewness       ,777
S E Skew       ,035      Range         1,500      Minimum        ,500
Maximum       2,000      Sum        5251,000

Valid cases    4976      Missing cases   3261

Preceding task required 2,43 seconds elapsed.

-> save outfile 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\p94_EgyKe.sav'
->     /compressed
->     /drop cel94k k94db .

Time stamp on saved file:  19 Mar 99 09:56:36
File contains 96 variables, 768 bytes per case before compression
8.237 cases were written to d:\panel99_cd_elokeszulet\sulyfile-ok\p94_egyke.sav

Preceding task required ,81 seconds elapsed.

-> ********.

-> * 1995 *.

-> ********.

-> get file 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\p94_EgyKe.sav'.

File d:\panel99_cd_elokeszulet\sulyfile-ok\p94_egyke.sav
   Created:  19 Mar 99 09:56:36 - 96 variables and 8.237 cases

-> execute.

Preceding task required ,00 seconds elapsed.

-> numeric cel94k (f4.0).

-> numeric cel95k (f4.0).

-> variable labels  cel94k 'Dim.cellk keresztm.sulyhoz 94-ban'
->                 /cel95k 'Dim.cellk keresztm.sulyhoz 95-ben'
-> if (rsel94    =  1 and
->     l4nem0   <>  1 and
->     l4nem0   <>  8 or
->     sysmis(l4nem0)) cel94k = e3aneme  * 1000 +
->                              korcs94  *  100 +
->                              iskola94 *   10 +
->                              teltip94 .

-> if (rsel95    =  1) cel95k = e4aneme  * 1000 +
->                              korcs95  *  100 +
->                              iskola95 *   10 +
->                              teltip95 .

-> sort cases by cel95k.

The file to be sorted contains 8.237 cases of 784 bytes each.
At least 7.420.132 bytes of memory are available to the sort.
15.044 bytes is the minimum in which the sort will run.
7.420.132 bytes would suffice for an in-memory sort.

Successful completion of the sort.

Preceding task required 3,83 seconds elapsed.

-> temporary.

-> select if (sysmis(cel95k) = 0).

-> aggregate outfile 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\k95db.sav'
->            /break cel95k
->            /k95db = nu.

AGGREGATE problem requires 176 bytes of memory.
plus 36 bytes per case in the aggregated file.

Time stamp on saved file:  19 Mar 99 09:56:41
File contains 2 variables, 16 bytes per case

A system file has been written to d:\panel99_cd_elokeszulet\sulyfile-ok\k95db.sav
It contains 2 variable(s) and 120 case(s).

Preceding task required ,56 seconds elapsed.

-> match files file  = *
->            /table = 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\k95db.sav'
->            /by    = cel95k.

File d:\panel99_cd_elokeszulet\sulyfile-ok\k95db.sav
   Created:  19 Mar 99 09:56:41 - 2 variables and 120 cases

-> execute.

Preceding task required 1,34 seconds elapsed.

-> variable labels k95db 'cel95k kategria esetszma 95-ben'.

-> sort cases by cel94k.

The file to be sorted contains 8.237 cases of 792 bytes each.
At least 7.486.060 bytes of memory are available to the sort.
15.076 bytes is the minimum in which the sort will run.
7.486.060 bytes would suffice for an in-memory sort.

Successful completion of the sort.

Preceding task required 1,57 seconds elapsed.

-> temporary.

-> select if (sysmis(cel94k) = 0).

-> aggregate outfile 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\k94db.sav'
->            /break cel94k
->            /k94db = nu.

AGGREGATE problem requires 176 bytes of memory.
plus 36 bytes per case in the aggregated file.

Time stamp on saved file:  19 Mar 99 09:56:46
File contains 2 variables, 16 bytes per case

A system file has been written to d:\panel99_cd_elokeszulet\sulyfile-ok\k94db.sav
It contains 2 variable(s) and 120 case(s).

Preceding task required ,44 seconds elapsed.

-> sort cases by cel95k.

The file to be sorted contains 8.237 cases of 792 bytes each.
At least 7.486.060 bytes of memory are available to the sort.
15.076 bytes is the minimum in which the sort will run.
7.486.060 bytes would suffice for an in-memory sort.

Successful completion of the sort.

Preceding task required 1,03 seconds elapsed.

-> match files file  = *
->            /table = 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\k94db.sav'
->            /rename (cel94k = cel95k)
->            /by    = cel95k.

File d:\panel99_cd_elokeszulet\sulyfile-ok\k94db.sav
   Created:  19 Mar 99 09:56:46 - 2 variables and 120 cases

-> execute.

Preceding task required 1,56 seconds elapsed.

-> variable labels k94db 'cel95k kategria esetszma 94-ben'.

-> numeric egyke95 (f10.8).

-> variable labels egyke95 'Egyni keresztmetszeti sly 1995'.

-> compute egyke95 = k94db / k95db .

-> frequencies
->   variables egyke95 /stat all.

Memory allows a total of 374.491 values accumulated across all variables.
There may be up to 46.811 value labels for each variable.

EGYKE95   Egyni keresztmetszeti sly 1995

                                                        Valid     Cum
Value Label                 Value  Frequency  Percent  Percent  Percent

                        ,42857143         7       ,1       ,2       ,2
                        ,54545455        11       ,1       ,3       ,4
                        ,60000000        10       ,1       ,2       ,6
                        ,66666667         6       ,1       ,1       ,8
                        ,75000000         4       ,0       ,1       ,9
                        ,78787879        33       ,4       ,8      1,6
                        ,79166667        24       ,3       ,5      2,2
                        ,83333333        60       ,7      1,4      3,5
                        ,83870968        31       ,4       ,7      4,2
                        ,85714286        14       ,2       ,3      4,5
                        ,86301370        73       ,9      1,7      6,2
                        ,89189189        37       ,4       ,8      7,1
                        ,89473684        38       ,5       ,9      7,9
                        ,90000000        80      1,0      1,8      9,7
                        ,90909091        11       ,1       ,3     10,0
                        ,91304348        23       ,3       ,5     10,5
                        ,91666667        24       ,3       ,5     11,1
                        ,93333333        15       ,2       ,3     11,4
                        ,95000000        20       ,2       ,5     11,8
                        ,95454545        22       ,3       ,5     12,3
                        ,96774194        31       ,4       ,7     13,1
                        ,96969697        33       ,4       ,8     13,8
                        ,97297297        37       ,4       ,8     14,6
                        ,98529412        68       ,8      1,5     16,2
                       1,00000000       191      2,3      4,3     20,5
                       1,00757576       132      1,6      3,0     23,5
                       1,01960784        51       ,6      1,2     24,7
                       1,02000000        50       ,6      1,1     25,8
                       1,02222222        45       ,5      1,0     26,9
                       1,02941176        34       ,4       ,8     27,6
                       1,03030303        33       ,4       ,8     28,4
                       1,03333333        30       ,4       ,7     29,1
                       1,04545455        22       ,3       ,5     29,6
                       1,05855856       222      2,7      5,0     34,6
                       1,05882353        68       ,8      1,5     36,2
                       1,06779661       177      2,1      4,0     40,2
                       1,07272727        55       ,7      1,3     41,4
                       1,07692308        52       ,6      1,2     42,6
                       1,08000000        50       ,6      1,1     43,8
                       1,08333333       108      1,3      2,5     46,2
                       1,08860759        79      1,0      1,8     48,0
                       1,08955224        67       ,8      1,5     49,5
                       1,09090909        66       ,8      1,5     51,0
                       1,09302326        86      1,0      2,0     53,0
                       1,10000000        90      1,1      2,0     55,0
                       1,10256410        39       ,5       ,9     55,9
                       1,10526316        57       ,7      1,3     57,2
                       1,11666667        60       ,7      1,4     58,6
                       1,11764706        17       ,2       ,4     59,0
                       1,11904762        84      1,0      1,9     60,9
                       1,12121212        33       ,4       ,8     61,6
                       1,12500000        24       ,3       ,5     62,2
                       1,13461538        52       ,6      1,2     63,4
                       1,13953488        43       ,5      1,0     64,3
                       1,14285714        77       ,9      1,8     66,1
                       1,14705882        34       ,4       ,8     66,9
                       1,15151515        99      1,2      2,3     69,1
                       1,15492958        71       ,9      1,6     70,7
                       1,17391304        23       ,3       ,5     71,3
                       1,17647059        17       ,2       ,4     71,6
                       1,18181818        66       ,8      1,5     73,1
                       1,20000000        55       ,7      1,3     74,4
                       1,21666667        60       ,7      1,4     75,8
                       1,22222222         9       ,1       ,2     76,0
                       1,22784810        79      1,0      1,8     77,8
                       1,23076923        39       ,5       ,9     78,6
                       1,23333333        60       ,7      1,4     80,0
                       1,23684211        38       ,5       ,9     80,9
                       1,25000000       208      2,5      4,7     85,6
                       1,25423729       118      1,4      2,7     88,3
                       1,26666667        15       ,2       ,3     88,6
                       1,27272727        44       ,5      1,0     89,6
                       1,29411765        34       ,4       ,8     90,4
                       1,30769231        26       ,3       ,6     91,0
                       1,31250000        16       ,2       ,4     91,4
                       1,33333333        12       ,1       ,3     91,6
                       1,34920635        63       ,8      1,4     93,1
                       1,35294118        51       ,6      1,2     94,2
                       1,35714286        28       ,3       ,6     94,9
                       1,36000000        25       ,3       ,6     95,4
                       1,37500000        24       ,3       ,5     96,0
                       1,37931034        29       ,4       ,7     96,6
                       1,45454545        22       ,3       ,5     97,1
                       1,47619048        21       ,3       ,5     97,6
                       1,50000000        14       ,2       ,3     97,9
                       1,56250000        32       ,4       ,7     98,7
                       1,60000000        15       ,2       ,3     99,0
                       1,63636364        11       ,1       ,3     99,2
                       1,67857143        28       ,3       ,6     99,9
                       2,00000000         5       ,1       ,1    100,0
                        ,              3840     46,6   Missing
                                     -------  -------  -------
                            Total      8237    100,0    100,0

Mean          1,111      Std err        ,002      Median        1,091
Mode          1,059      Std dev        ,161      Variance       ,026
Kurtosis      2,699      S E Kurt       ,074      Skewness       ,482
S E Skew       ,037      Range         1,571      Minimum        ,429
Maximum       2,000      Sum        4883,000

Valid cases    4397      Missing cases   3840

Preceding task required 2,22 seconds elapsed.

-> save outfile 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\p95_EgyKe.sav'
->     /compressed
->     /drop cel95k k95db .

Time stamp on saved file:  19 Mar 99 09:56:51
File contains 99 variables, 792 bytes per case before compression
8.237 cases were written to d:\panel99_cd_elokeszulet\sulyfile-ok\p95_egyke.sav

Preceding task required ,75 seconds elapsed.

-> ********.

-> * 1996 *.

-> ********.

-> get file 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\p95_EgyKe.sav'.

File d:\panel99_cd_elokeszulet\sulyfile-ok\p95_egyke.sav
   Created:  19 Mar 99 09:56:51 - 99 variables and 8.237 cases

-> execute.

Preceding task required ,00 seconds elapsed.

-> numeric cel95k (f4.0).

-> numeric cel96k (f4.0).

-> variable labels  cel95k 'Dim.cellk keresztm.sulyhoz 95-ban'
->                 /cel96k 'Dim.cellk keresztm.sulyhoz 96-ben'
-> if (rsel95    =  1 and
->     l5nem0   <>  1 and
->     l5nem0   <>  8 or
->     sysmis(l5nem0)) cel95k = e4aneme  * 1000 +
->                              korcs95  *  100 +
->                              iskola95 *   10 +
->                              teltip95 .

-> if (rsel96    =  1) cel96k = e5aneme  * 1000 +
->                              korcs96  *  100 +
->                              iskola96 *   10 +
->                              teltip96 .

-> sort cases by cel96k.

The file to be sorted contains 8.237 cases of 808 bytes each.
At least 7.617.892 bytes of memory are available to the sort.
15.116 bytes is the minimum in which the sort will run.
7.617.892 bytes would suffice for an in-memory sort.

Successful completion of the sort.

Preceding task required 4,59 seconds elapsed.

-> temporary.

-> select if (sysmis(cel96k) = 0).

-> aggregate outfile 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\k96db.sav'
->            /break cel96k
->            /k96db = nu.

AGGREGATE problem requires 176 bytes of memory.
plus 36 bytes per case in the aggregated file.

Time stamp on saved file:  19 Mar 99 09:56:57
File contains 2 variables, 16 bytes per case

A system file has been written to d:\panel99_cd_elokeszulet\sulyfile-ok\k96db.sav
It contains 2 variable(s) and 120 case(s).

Preceding task required ,52 seconds elapsed.

-> match files file  = *
->            /table = 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\k96db.sav'
->            /by    = cel96k.

File d:\panel99_cd_elokeszulet\sulyfile-ok\k96db.sav
   Created:  19 Mar 99 09:56:57 - 2 variables and 120 cases

-> execute.

Preceding task required 1,28 seconds elapsed.

-> variable labels k96db 'cel96k kategria esetszma 96-ben'.

-> sort cases by cel95k.

The file to be sorted contains 8.237 cases of 816 bytes each.
At least 7.683.820 bytes of memory are available to the sort.
15.148 bytes is the minimum in which the sort will run.
7.683.820 bytes would suffice for an in-memory sort.

Successful completion of the sort.

Preceding task required 1,58 seconds elapsed.

-> temporary.

-> select if (sysmis(cel95k) = 0).

-> aggregate outfile 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\k95db.sav'
->            /break cel95k
->            /k95db = nu.

AGGREGATE problem requires 176 bytes of memory.
plus 36 bytes per case in the aggregated file.

Time stamp on saved file:  19 Mar 99 09:57:01
File contains 2 variables, 16 bytes per case

A system file has been written to d:\panel99_cd_elokeszulet\sulyfile-ok\k95db.sav
It contains 2 variable(s) and 120 case(s).

Preceding task required ,48 seconds elapsed.

-> sort cases by cel96k.

The file to be sorted contains 8.237 cases of 816 bytes each.
At least 7.683.820 bytes of memory are available to the sort.
15.148 bytes is the minimum in which the sort will run.
7.683.820 bytes would suffice for an in-memory sort.

Successful completion of the sort.

Preceding task required 1,41 seconds elapsed.

-> match files file  = *
->            /table = 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\k95db.sav'
->            /rename (cel95k = cel96k)
->            /by    = cel96k.

File d:\panel99_cd_elokeszulet\sulyfile-ok\k95db.sav
   Created:  19 Mar 99 09:57:01 - 2 variables and 120 cases

-> execute.

Preceding task required 1,16 seconds elapsed.

-> variable labels k95db 'cel96k kategria esetszma 95-ben'.

-> numeric egyke96 (f10.8).

-> variable labels egyke96 'Egyni keresztmetszeti sly 1996'.

-> compute egyke96 = k95db / k96db .

-> frequencies
->   variables egyke96 /stat all.

Memory allows a total of 374.491 values accumulated across all variables.
There may be up to 46.811 value labels for each variable.

EGYKE96   Egyni keresztmetszeti sly 1996

                                                        Valid     Cum
Value Label                 Value  Frequency  Percent  Percent  Percent

                        ,55555556         9       ,1       ,2       ,2
                        ,60000000         5       ,1       ,1       ,4
                        ,62500000         8       ,1       ,2       ,6
                        ,87500000        48       ,6      1,2      1,8
                        ,88888889        27       ,3       ,7      2,5
                        ,89090909        55       ,7      1,4      3,9
                        ,89285714        28       ,3       ,7      4,7
                        ,90476190        21       ,3       ,5      5,2
                        ,92307692        39       ,5      1,0      6,2
                        ,93333333        15       ,2       ,4      6,6
                        ,93617021        47       ,6      1,2      7,8
                        ,96153846        26       ,3       ,7      8,5
                        ,97058824        34       ,4       ,9      9,4
                       1,00000000       294      3,6      7,6     17,0
                       1,03571429        56       ,7      1,5     18,5
                       1,03846154        26       ,3       ,7     19,1
                       1,04545455        22       ,3       ,6     19,7
                       1,04838710        62       ,8      1,6     21,3
                       1,05000000        40       ,5      1,0     22,3
                       1,05418719       203      2,5      5,3     27,6
                       1,05882353        34       ,4       ,9     28,5
                       1,06060606        33       ,4       ,9     29,3
                       1,06451613        62       ,8      1,6     30,9
                       1,06818182        44       ,5      1,1     32,1
                       1,06837607       117      1,4      3,0     35,1
                       1,07051282       156      1,9      4,0     39,2
                       1,07142857        28       ,3       ,7     39,9
                       1,07812500        64       ,8      1,7     41,5
                       1,08333333        12       ,1       ,3     41,9
                       1,08571429        35       ,4       ,9     42,8
                       1,08695652        23       ,3       ,6     43,4
                       1,08823529        34       ,4       ,9     44,2
                       1,09090909        44       ,5      1,1     45,4
                       1,09375000        32       ,4       ,8     46,2
                       1,09523810        21       ,3       ,5     46,7
                       1,09677419        31       ,4       ,8     47,6
                       1,10000000       180      2,2      4,7     52,2
                       1,10344828        58       ,7      1,5     53,7
                       1,10526316        19       ,2       ,5     54,2
                       1,10869565        46       ,6      1,2     55,4
                       1,11428571        35       ,4       ,9     56,3
                       1,11666667        60       ,7      1,6     57,9
                       1,11764706        68       ,8      1,8     59,6
                       1,11864407        59       ,7      1,5     61,2
                       1,12000000        25       ,3       ,6     61,8
                       1,12500000        24       ,3       ,6     62,4
                       1,12857143        70       ,8      1,8     64,2
                       1,13207547        53       ,6      1,4     65,6
                       1,13333333        45       ,5      1,2     66,8
                       1,13461538        52       ,6      1,3     68,1
                       1,14000000       100      1,2      2,6     70,7
                       1,14285714        14       ,2       ,4     71,1
                       1,14666667        75       ,9      1,9     73,0
                       1,15000000        20       ,2       ,5     73,5
                       1,15384615        26       ,3       ,7     74,2
                       1,15686275        51       ,6      1,3     75,5
                       1,15789474        19       ,2       ,5     76,0
                       1,16666667        12       ,1       ,3     76,3
                       1,17647059        17       ,2       ,4     76,8
                       1,17910448        67       ,8      1,7     78,5
                       1,18518519        27       ,3       ,7     79,2
                       1,19047619        42       ,5      1,1     80,3
                       1,19230769        52       ,6      1,3     81,7
                       1,19444444        36       ,4       ,9     82,6
                       1,20000000        30       ,4       ,8     83,4
                       1,20833333        24       ,3       ,6     84,0
                       1,21428571        28       ,3       ,7     84,7
                       1,22222222         9       ,1       ,2     84,9
                       1,22580645        31       ,4       ,8     85,7
                       1,23076923        13       ,2       ,3     86,1
                       1,24000000        25       ,3       ,6     86,7
                       1,24561404        57       ,7      1,5     88,2
                       1,25000000        48       ,6      1,2     89,5
                       1,27777778        54       ,7      1,4     90,9
                       1,29411765        17       ,2       ,4     91,3
                       1,30000000        10       ,1       ,3     91,6
                       1,32000000        25       ,3       ,6     92,2
                       1,33333333        45       ,5      1,2     93,4
                       1,36842105        38       ,5      1,0     94,4
                       1,38461538        13       ,2       ,3     94,7
                       1,40000000        60       ,7      1,6     96,2
                       1,41176471        17       ,2       ,4     96,7
                       1,42857143        35       ,4       ,9     97,6
                       1,45454545        22       ,3       ,6     98,2
                       1,50000000        44       ,5      1,1     99,3
                       1,66666667         9       ,1       ,2     99,5
                       1,75000000         4       ,0       ,1     99,6
                       1,83333333         6       ,1       ,2     99,8
                       2,00000000         8       ,1       ,2    100,0
                        ,              4378     53,2   Missing
                                     -------  -------  -------
                            Total      8237    100,0    100,0

Mean          1,117      Std err        ,002      Median        1,100
Mode          1,000      Std dev        ,138      Variance       ,019
Kurtosis      6,150      S E Kurt       ,079      Skewness      1,172
S E Skew       ,039      Range         1,444      Minimum        ,556
Maximum       2,000      Sum        4309,000

Valid cases    3859      Missing cases   4378

Preceding task required 2,18 seconds elapsed.

-> save outfile 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\p96_EgyKe.sav'
->     /compressed
->     /drop cel96k k96db .

Time stamp on saved file:  19 Mar 99 09:57:06
File contains 102 variables, 816 bytes per case before compression
8.237 cases were written to d:\panel99_cd_elokeszulet\sulyfile-ok\p96_egyke.sav

Preceding task required ,75 seconds elapsed.

-> ********.

-> * 1997 *.

-> ********.

-> get file 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\p96_EgyKe.sav'.

File d:\panel99_cd_elokeszulet\sulyfile-ok\p96_egyke.sav
   Created:  19 Mar 99 09:57:06 - 102 variables and 8.237 cases

-> execute.

Preceding task required ,00 seconds elapsed.

-> numeric cel96k (f4.0).

-> numeric cel97k (f4.0).

-> variable labels  cel96k 'Dim.cellk keresztm.sulyhoz 96-ban'
->                 /cel97k 'Dim.cellk keresztm.sulyhoz 97-ben'
-> if (rsel96    =  1 and
->     l6nem0   <>  1 and
->     l6nem0   <>  8 or
->     sysmis(l6nem0)) cel96k = e5aneme  * 1000 +
->                              korcs96  *  100 +
->                              iskola96 *   10 +
->                              teltip96 .

-> if (rsel97    =  1) cel97k = e6aneme  * 1000 +
->                              korcs97  *  100 +
->                              iskola97 *   10 +
->                              teltip97 .

-> sort cases by cel97k.

The file to be sorted contains 8.237 cases of 832 bytes each.
At least 7.815.652 bytes of memory are available to the sort.
15.188 bytes is the minimum in which the sort will run.
7.815.652 bytes would suffice for an in-memory sort.

Successful completion of the sort.

Preceding task required 4,50 seconds elapsed.

-> temporary.

-> select if (sysmis(cel97k) = 0).

-> aggregate outfile 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\k97db.sav'
->            /break cel97k
->            /k97db = nu.

AGGREGATE problem requires 176 bytes of memory.
plus 36 bytes per case in the aggregated file.

Time stamp on saved file:  19 Mar 99 09:57:12
File contains 2 variables, 16 bytes per case

A system file has been written to d:\panel99_cd_elokeszulet\sulyfile-ok\k97db.sav
It contains 2 variable(s) and 120 case(s).

Preceding task required ,55 seconds elapsed.

-> match files file  = *
->            /table = 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\k97db.sav'
->            /by    = cel97k.

File d:\panel99_cd_elokeszulet\sulyfile-ok\k97db.sav
   Created:  19 Mar 99 09:57:12 - 2 variables and 120 cases

-> execute.

Preceding task required 1,35 seconds elapsed.

-> variable labels k97db 'cel97k kategria esetszma 97-ben'.

-> sort cases by cel96k.

The file to be sorted contains 8.237 cases of 840 bytes each.
At least 7.881.580 bytes of memory are available to the sort.
15.220 bytes is the minimum in which the sort will run.
7.881.580 bytes would suffice for an in-memory sort.

Successful completion of the sort.

Preceding task required 1,53 seconds elapsed.

-> temporary.

-> select if (sysmis(cel96k) = 0).

-> aggregate outfile 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\k96db.sav'
->            /break cel96k
->            /k96db = nu.

AGGREGATE problem requires 176 bytes of memory.
plus 36 bytes per case in the aggregated file.

Time stamp on saved file:  19 Mar 99 09:57:16
File contains 2 variables, 16 bytes per case

A system file has been written to d:\panel99_cd_elokeszulet\sulyfile-ok\k96db.sav
It contains 2 variable(s) and 120 case(s).

Preceding task required ,45 seconds elapsed.

-> sort cases by cel97k.

The file to be sorted contains 8.237 cases of 840 bytes each.
At least 7.881.580 bytes of memory are available to the sort.
15.220 bytes is the minimum in which the sort will run.
7.881.580 bytes would suffice for an in-memory sort.

Successful completion of the sort.

Preceding task required 1,45 seconds elapsed.

-> match files file  = *
->            /table = 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\k96db.sav'
->            /rename (cel96k = cel97k)
->            /by    = cel97k.

File d:\panel99_cd_elokeszulet\sulyfile-ok\k96db.sav
   Created:  19 Mar 99 09:57:16 - 2 variables and 120 cases

-> execute.

Preceding task required 1,28 seconds elapsed.

-> variable labels k96db 'cel97k kategria esetszma 96-ben'.

-> numeric egyke97 (f10.8).

-> variable labels egyke97 'Egyni keresztmetszeti sly 1997'.

-> compute egyke97 = k96db / k97db .

-> frequencies
->   variables egyke97 /stat all.

Memory allows a total of 374.491 values accumulated across all variables.
There may be up to 46.811 value labels for each variable.

EGYKE97   Egyni keresztmetszeti sly 1997

                                                        Valid     Cum
Value Label                 Value  Frequency  Percent  Percent  Percent

                        ,66666667         6       ,1       ,2       ,2
                        ,81818182        11       ,1       ,4       ,6
                        ,87500000         8       ,1       ,3       ,8
                        ,88888889        27       ,3       ,9      1,7
                        ,92307692        13       ,2       ,4      2,1
                        ,94117647        51       ,6      1,7      3,8
                       1,00000000        86      1,0      2,8      6,7
                       1,01851852        54       ,7      1,8      8,4
                       1,04000000        25       ,3       ,8      9,3
                       1,05263158        19       ,2       ,6      9,9
                       1,05555556        18       ,2       ,6     10,5
                       1,06250000        48       ,6      1,6     12,1
                       1,07692308        13       ,2       ,4     12,5
                       1,08695652        23       ,3       ,8     13,2
                       1,09677419        31       ,4      1,0     14,3
                       1,10344828        29       ,4      1,0     15,2
                       1,11111111        27       ,3       ,9     16,1
                       1,11764706        34       ,4      1,1     17,2
                       1,12000000        25       ,3       ,8     18,0
                       1,12500000        72       ,9      2,4     20,4
                       1,13333333        90      1,1      3,0     23,4
                       1,13513514        37       ,4      1,2     24,6
                       1,13636364       132      1,6      4,3     28,9
                       1,13793103        58       ,7      1,9     30,9
                       1,14285714        21       ,3       ,7     31,5
                       1,14583333        96      1,2      3,2     34,7
                       1,14814815        27       ,3       ,9     35,6
                       1,16000000        25       ,3       ,8     36,4
                       1,16666667        60       ,7      2,0     38,4
                       1,16867470        83      1,0      2,7     41,1
                       1,18181818       209      2,5      6,9     48,0
                       1,19230769        52       ,6      1,7     49,7
                       1,20000000        50       ,6      1,6     51,4
                       1,20833333        24       ,3       ,8     52,2
                       1,21052632        38       ,5      1,3     53,4
                       1,22916667        96      1,2      3,2     56,6
                       1,23076923        39       ,5      1,3     57,9
                       1,23529412        17       ,2       ,6     58,4
                       1,24000000        25       ,3       ,8     59,2
                       1,25000000        48       ,6      1,6     60,8
                       1,26530612        49       ,6      1,6     62,4
                       1,26666667        30       ,4      1,0     63,4
                       1,27272727        55       ,7      1,8     65,2
                       1,28000000        25       ,3       ,8     66,1
                       1,28571429        56       ,7      1,8     67,9
                       1,30000000        40       ,5      1,3     69,2
                       1,30303030        33       ,4      1,1     70,3
                       1,30769231        39       ,5      1,3     71,6
                       1,31250000        16       ,2       ,5     72,1
                       1,33333333        54       ,7      1,8     73,9
                       1,34285714        35       ,4      1,2     75,0
                       1,35714286        14       ,2       ,5     75,5
                       1,36000000        50       ,6      1,6     77,1
                       1,36363636        11       ,1       ,4     77,5
                       1,36842105        38       ,5      1,3     78,8
                       1,37209302        43       ,5      1,4     80,2
                       1,38095238        42       ,5      1,4     81,6
                       1,40000000         5       ,1       ,2     81,7
                       1,40909091        44       ,5      1,4     83,2
                       1,41666667        24       ,3       ,8     84,0
                       1,42857143        63       ,8      2,1     86,0
                       1,43750000        16       ,2       ,5     86,6
                       1,44000000        25       ,3       ,8     87,4
                       1,44444444        18       ,2       ,6     88,0
                       1,45454545        44       ,5      1,4     89,4
                       1,46666667        30       ,4      1,0     90,4
                       1,47058824        17       ,2       ,6     91,0
                       1,50000000         8       ,1       ,3     91,2
                       1,53333333        45       ,5      1,5     92,7
                       1,60000000        45       ,5      1,5     94,2
                       1,61290323        31       ,4      1,0     95,2
                       1,61538462        13       ,2       ,4     95,7
                       1,64516129        31       ,4      1,0     96,7
                       1,66666667         6       ,1       ,2     96,9
                       1,67441860        43       ,5      1,4     98,3
                       1,70000000        10       ,1       ,3     98,6
                       1,71428571        14       ,2       ,5     99,1
                       1,87500000         8       ,1       ,3     99,3
                       1,91666667        12       ,1       ,4     99,7
                       2,33333333         6       ,1       ,2     99,9
                       2,50000000         2       ,0       ,1    100,0
                        ,              5200     63,1   Missing
                                     -------  -------  -------
                            Total      8237    100,0    100,0

Mean          1,246      Std err        ,003      Median        1,200
Mode          1,182      Std dev        ,188      Variance       ,035
Kurtosis      3,794      S E Kurt       ,089      Skewness      1,178
S E Skew       ,044      Range         1,833      Minimum        ,667
Maximum       2,500      Sum        3783,000

Valid cases    3037      Missing cases   5200

Preceding task required 2,11 seconds elapsed.

-> save outfile 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\p97_EgyKe.sav'
->     /compressed
->     /drop cel97k k97db .

Time stamp on saved file:  19 Mar 99 09:57:21
File contains 105 variables, 840 bytes per case before compression
8.237 cases were written to d:\panel99_cd_elokeszulet\sulyfile-ok\p97_egyke.sav

Preceding task required ,78 seconds elapsed.

-> *****   Hztarts s Gyerek keresztmetszeti sly   *****.

-> get file 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\p97_EgyKe.sav'.

File d:\panel99_cd_elokeszulet\sulyfile-ok\p97_egyke.sav
   Created:  19 Mar 99 09:57:21 - 105 variables and 8.237 cases

-> execute.

Preceding task required ,01 seconds elapsed.

-> sort cases by hazon93.

The file to be sorted contains 8.237 cases of 840 bytes each.
At least 7.881.580 bytes of memory are available to the sort.
15.220 bytes is the minimum in which the sort will run.
7.881.580 bytes would suffice for an in-memory sort.

Successful completion of the sort.

Preceding task required 2,53 seconds elapsed.

-> temporary.

-> select if (rsel93 = 1).

-> aggregate outfile 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\hazke93.sav'
->            /break hazon93
->            /hazke93 = mean(egyke93).

AGGREGATE problem requires 184 bytes of memory.
plus 44 bytes per case in the aggregated file.

Time stamp on saved file:  19 Mar 99 09:57:25
File contains 2 variables, 16 bytes per case

A system file has been written to d:\panel99_cd_elokeszulet\sulyfile-ok\hazke93.sav
It contains 2 variable(s) and 2434 case(s).

Preceding task required ,73 seconds elapsed.

-> match files file  *
->            /table 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\hazke93.sav'
->            /by hazon93.

File d:\panel99_cd_elokeszulet\sulyfile-ok\hazke93.sav
   Created:  19 Mar 99 09:57:25 - 2 variables and 2.434 cases

-> format hazke93 (f10.8).

-> numeric gyeke93 (f10.8).

-> variable labels  hazke93 'Hztarts keresztmetszeti sly 93'
->                 /gyeke93 'Gyermek keresztmetszeti sly 93' .

-> if (rsel93 = 2) gyeke93 = hazke93.

-> execute.

Preceding task required 2,80 seconds elapsed.

-> * 1994.

-> sort cases by hazon94.

The file to be sorted contains 8.237 cases of 856 bytes each.
At least 8.079.340 bytes of memory are available to the sort.
15.292 bytes is the minimum in which the sort will run.
8.079.340 bytes would suffice for an in-memory sort.

Successful completion of the sort.

Preceding task required 1,39 seconds elapsed.

-> temporary.

-> select if (rsel94 = 1).

-> aggregate outfile 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\hazke94.sav'
->            /break hazon94
->            /hazke94 = mean(egyke94).

AGGREGATE problem requires 184 bytes of memory.
plus 44 bytes per case in the aggregated file.

Time stamp on saved file:  19 Mar 99 09:57:31
File contains 2 variables, 16 bytes per case

A system file has been written to d:\panel99_cd_elokeszulet\sulyfile-ok\hazke94.sav
It contains 2 variable(s) and 2263 case(s).

Preceding task required ,48 seconds elapsed.

-> match files file  *
->            /table 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\hazke94.sav'
->            /by hazon94.

File d:\panel99_cd_elokeszulet\sulyfile-ok\hazke94.sav
   Created:  19 Mar 99 09:57:31 - 2 variables and 2.263 cases

-> format hazke94 (f10.8).

-> numeric gyeke94 (f10.8).

-> variable labels  hazke94 'Hztarts keresztmetszeti sly 94'
->                 /gyeke94 'Gyermek keresztmetszeti sly 94' .

-> if (rsel94 = 2) gyeke94 = hazke94.

-> execute.

Preceding task required 1,51 seconds elapsed.

-> * 1995.

-> sort cases by hazon95.

The file to be sorted contains 8.237 cases of 872 bytes each.
At least 8.211.180 bytes of memory are available to the sort.
15.340 bytes is the minimum in which the sort will run.
8.211.180 bytes would suffice for an in-memory sort.

Successful completion of the sort.

Preceding task required 1,26 seconds elapsed.

-> temporary.

-> select if (rsel95 = 1).

-> aggregate outfile 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\hazke95.sav'
->            /break hazon95
->            /hazke95 = mean(egyke95).

AGGREGATE problem requires 184 bytes of memory.
plus 44 bytes per case in the aggregated file.

Time stamp on saved file:  19 Mar 99 09:57:35
File contains 2 variables, 16 bytes per case

A system file has been written to d:\panel99_cd_elokeszulet\sulyfile-ok\hazke95.sav
It contains 2 variable(s) and 1987 case(s).

Preceding task required ,58 seconds elapsed.

-> match files file  *
->            /table 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\hazke95.sav'
->            /by hazon95.

File d:\panel99_cd_elokeszulet\sulyfile-ok\hazke95.sav
   Created:  19 Mar 99 09:57:35 - 2 variables and 1.987 cases

-> format hazke95 (f10.8).

-> numeric gyeke95 (f10.8).

-> variable labels  hazke95 'Hztarts keresztmetszeti sly 95'
->                 /gyeke95 'Gyermek keresztmetszeti sly 95' .

-> if (rsel95 = 2) gyeke95 = hazke95.

-> execute.

Preceding task required 1,43 seconds elapsed.

-> * 1996.

-> sort cases by hazon96.

The file to be sorted contains 8.237 cases of 888 bytes each.
At least 8.343.020 bytes of memory are available to the sort.
15.388 bytes is the minimum in which the sort will run.
8.343.020 bytes would suffice for an in-memory sort.

Successful completion of the sort.

Preceding task required 1,36 seconds elapsed.

-> temporary.

-> select if (rsel96 = 1).

-> aggregate outfile 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\hazke96.sav'
->            /break hazon96
->            /hazke96 = mean(egyke96).

AGGREGATE problem requires 184 bytes of memory.
plus 44 bytes per case in the aggregated file.

Time stamp on saved file:  19 Mar 99 09:57:39
File contains 2 variables, 16 bytes per case

A system file has been written to d:\panel99_cd_elokeszulet\sulyfile-ok\hazke96.sav
It contains 2 variable(s) and 1741 case(s).

Preceding task required 1,08 seconds elapsed.

-> match files file  *
->            /table 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\hazke96.sav'
->            /by hazon96.

File d:\panel99_cd_elokeszulet\sulyfile-ok\hazke96.sav
   Created:  19 Mar 99 09:57:39 - 2 variables and 1.741 cases

-> format hazke96 (f10.8).

-> numeric gyeke96 (f10.8).

-> variable labels  hazke96 'Hztarts keresztmetszeti sly 96'
->                 /gyeke96 'Gyermek keresztmetszeti sly 96' .

-> if (rsel96 = 2) gyeke96 = hazke96.

-> execute.

Preceding task required 2,41 seconds elapsed.

-> * 1997.

-> sort cases by hazon97.

The file to be sorted contains 8.237 cases of 904 bytes each.
At least 8.474.860 bytes of memory are available to the sort.
15.436 bytes is the minimum in which the sort will run.
8.474.860 bytes would suffice for an in-memory sort.

Successful completion of the sort.

Preceding task required 3,34 seconds elapsed.

-> temporary.

-> select if (rsel97 = 1).

-> aggregate outfile 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\hazke97.sav'
->            /break hazon97
->            /hazke97 = mean(egyke97).

AGGREGATE problem requires 184 bytes of memory.
plus 44 bytes per case in the aggregated file.

Time stamp on saved file:  19 Mar 99 09:57:46
File contains 2 variables, 16 bytes per case

A system file has been written to d:\panel99_cd_elokeszulet\sulyfile-ok\hazke97.sav
It contains 2 variable(s) and 1387 case(s).

Preceding task required ,94 seconds elapsed.

-> match files file  *
->            /table 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\hazke97.sav'
->            /by hazon97.

File d:\panel99_cd_elokeszulet\sulyfile-ok\hazke97.sav
   Created:  19 Mar 99 09:57:46 - 2 variables and 1.387 cases

-> var lab hazke97 'Hztarts keresztmetszeti sly 97'.

-> format hazke97 (f10.8).

-> format hazke97 (f10.8).

-> numeric gyeke97 (f10.8).

-> variable labels  hazke97 'Hztarts keresztmetszeti sly 97'
->                 /gyeke97 'Gyermek keresztmetszeti sly 97' .

-> if (rsel97 = 2) gyeke97 = hazke97.

-> sort cases by case.

The file to be sorted contains 8.237 cases of 920 bytes each.
At least 8.672.612 bytes of memory are available to the sort.
15.500 bytes is the minimum in which the sort will run.
8.672.612 bytes would suffice for an in-memory sort.

Successful completion of the sort.

Preceding task required 3,91 seconds elapsed.

-> save outfile 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\P_EgyHazGyeKe.sav'
->     /compressed.

Time stamp on saved file:  19 Mar 99 09:57:51
File contains 115 variables, 920 bytes per case before compression
8.237 cases were written to d:\panel99_cd_elokeszulet\...\p_egyhazgyeke.sav

Preceding task required 1,62 seconds elapsed.

-> *********************************************.

-> *****   Keresztmetszeti Slyszorzatok   *****.

-> *********************************************.

-> get file 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\P_EgyHazGyeKe.sav'.

File d:\panel99_cd_elokeszulet\sulyfile-ok\p_egyhazgyeke.sav
   Created:  19 Mar 99 09:57:51 - 115 variables and 8.237 cases

-> execute.

Preceding task required ,00 seconds elapsed.

-> *****A sulyok szorzst elvgz program.

-> numeric egyke93s (f10.8).

-> numeric egyke94s (f10.8).

-> numeric egyke95s (f10.8).

-> numeric egyke96s (f10.8).

-> numeric egyke97s (f10.8).

-> numeric egylo93s (f10.8).

-> numeric egylo94s (f10.8).

-> numeric egylo95s (f10.8).

-> numeric egylo96s (f10.8).

-> numeric egylo97s (f10.8).

-> numeric hazke93s (f10.8).

-> numeric hazke94s (f10.8).

-> numeric hazke95s (f10.8).

-> numeric hazke96s (f10.8).

-> numeric hazke97s (f10.8).

-> numeric hazlo93s (f10.8).

-> numeric hazlo94s (f10.8).

-> numeric hazlo95s (f10.8).

-> numeric hazlo96s (f10.8).

-> numeric hazlo97s (f10.8).

-> numeric gyeke93s (f10.8).

-> numeric gyeke94s (f10.8).

-> numeric gyeke95s (f10.8).

-> numeric gyeke96s (f10.8).

-> numeric gyeke97s (f10.8).

-> numeric gyelo93s (f10.8).

-> numeric gyelo94s (f10.8).

-> numeric gyelo95s (f10.8).

-> numeric gyelo96s (f10.8).

-> numeric gyelo97s (f10.8).

-> execute.

Preceding task required 1,18 seconds elapsed.

-> * 1993.

-> compute egyke93s = suly92 * egyke93.

-> if (e2egyen>20 and h2attip ne 5) egyke93s = egyke93.

-> if (e2egyen>20 and h2attip =  5) egyke93s = 0.4028985 * egyke93.

-> if (rsel93       = 1 and
->     sysmis(egyke93s) and
->     e2attip     <> 5) egyke93s = egyke93.

-> if (rsel93       = 1 and
->     sysmis(egyke93s) and
->     e2attip      = 5) egyke93s = 0.4028985 * egyke93.

-> if (e1attip  = 5 and
->     e2attip <> 5) egyke93s = egyke93s * 2.4820147.

-> * 1994.

-> compute egyke94s = egyke93s * egyke94.

-> if (e3egyen>30 and h3attip ne 5) egyke94s = egyke94.

-> if (e3egyen>30 and h3attip =  5) egyke94s = 0.4028985 * egyke94.

-> if (rsel94       = 1 and
->     sysmis(egyke94s) and
->     e3attip     <> 5) egyke94s = egyke94.

-> if (rsel94       = 1 and
->     sysmis(egyke94s) and
->     e3attip      = 5) egyke94s = 0.4028985 * egyke94.

-> if (e2attip  = 5 and
->     e3attip <> 5) egyke94s = egyke94s * 2.4820147.

-> * 1995.

-> compute egyke95s = egyke94s * egyke95.

-> if (e4egyen>40 and h4attip ne 5) egyke95s = egyke95.

-> if (e4egyen>40 and h4attip =  5) egyke95s = 0.4028985 * egyke95.

-> if (rsel95       = 1 and
->     sysmis(egyke95s) and
->     e4attip     <> 5) egyke95s = egyke95.

-> if (rsel95       = 1 and
->     sysmis(egyke95s) and
->     e4attip      = 5) egyke95s = 0.4028985 * egyke95.

-> if (e3attip  = 5 and
->     e4attip <> 5) egyke95s = egyke95s * 2.4820147.

-> * 1996.

-> compute egyke96s = egyke95s * egyke96.

-> if (e5egyen>50 and h5attip ne 5) egyke96s = egyke96.

-> if (e5egyen>50 and h5attip =  5) egyke96s = 0.4028985 * egyke96.

-> if (rsel96       = 1 and
->     sysmis(egyke96s) and
->     e5attip     <> 5) egyke96s = egyke96.

-> if (rsel96       = 1 and
->     sysmis(egyke96s) and
->     e5attip      = 5) egyke96s = 0.4028985 * egyke96.

-> if (e4attip  = 5 and
->     e5attip <> 5) egyke96s = egyke96s * 2.4820147.

-> * 1997.

-> compute egyke97s = egyke96s * egyke97.

-> if (e6egyen>60 and h6attip ne 5) egyke97s = egyke97.

-> if (e6egyen>60 and h6attip =  5) egyke97s = 0.4028985 * egyke97.

-> if (rsel97       = 1 and
->     sysmis(egyke97s) and
->     e6attip     <> 5) egyke97s = egyke97.

-> if (rsel97       = 1 and
->     sysmis(egyke97s) and
->     e6attip      = 5) egyke97s = 0.4028985 * egyke97.

-> if (e5attip  = 5 and
->     e6attip <> 5) egyke97s = egyke97s * 2.4820147.

-> fre egyke93s egyke94s egyke95s egyke96s egyke97s
->   /format notable / stat all.

Memory allows a total of 374.491 values accumulated across all variables.
There may be up to 46.811 value labels for each variable.


Mean           ,830      Std err        ,004      Median         ,931
Mode           ,992      Std dev        ,283      Variance       ,080
Kurtosis     -1,313      S E Kurt       ,067      Skewness      -,369
S E Skew       ,033      Range         1,044      Minimum        ,356
Maximum       1,401      Sum        4450,524

Valid cases    5360      Missing cases   2877

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Mean           ,872      Std err        ,004      Median         ,950
Mode          1,021      Std dev        ,306      Variance       ,093
Kurtosis      -,645      S E Kurt       ,069      Skewness      -,025
S E Skew       ,035      Range         1,933      Minimum        ,317
Maximum       2,250      Sum        4339,678

Valid cases    4976      Missing cases   3261

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Mean           ,966      Std err        ,005      Median        1,018
Mode          1,081      Std dev        ,343      Variance       ,118
Kurtosis      -,384      S E Kurt       ,074      Skewness       ,193
S E Skew       ,037      Range         1,984      Minimum        ,214
Maximum       2,198      Sum        4246,388

Valid cases    4397      Missing cases   3840

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Mean          1,072      Std err        ,007      Median        1,091
Mode          1,139      Std dev        ,405      Variance       ,164
Kurtosis      -,083      S E Kurt       ,079      Skewness       ,389
S E Skew       ,039      Range         2,877      Minimum        ,193
Maximum       3,070      Sum        4136,786

Valid cases    3859      Missing cases   4378

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Mean          1,328      Std err        ,010      Median        1,316
Mode          1,346      Std dev        ,545      Variance       ,297
Kurtosis       ,921      S E Kurt       ,089      Skewness       ,748
S E Skew       ,044      Range         3,957      Minimum        ,188
Maximum       4,145      Sum        4032,889

Valid cases    3037      Missing cases   5200

Preceding task required 5,58 seconds elapsed.

-> * Hztarts keresztmetszeti sly.

-> compute hazke93s = suly92 * hazke93.

-> if (e2egyen>20 and h2attip ne 5) hazke93s = hazke93.

-> if (e2egyen>20 and h2attip =  5) hazke93s = 0.4028985 * hazke93.

-> if (rsel93       = 1 and
->     sysmis(hazke93s) and
->     e2attip     <> 5) hazke93s = hazke93.

-> if (rsel93       = 1 and
->     sysmis(hazke93s) and
->     e2attip      = 5) hazke93s = 0.4028985 * hazke93.

-> if (e1attip  = 5 and
->     e2attip <> 5) hazke93s = hazke93s * 2.4820147.

-> compute hazke94s = hazke93s * hazke94.

-> if (e3egyen>30 and h3attip ne 5) hazke94s = hazke94.

-> if (e3egyen>30 and h3attip =  5) hazke94s = 0.4028985 * hazke94.

-> if (rsel94       = 1 and
->     sysmis(hazke94s) and
->     e3attip     <> 5) hazke94s = hazke94.

-> if (rsel94       = 1 and
->     sysmis(hazke94s) and
->     e3attip      = 5) hazke94s = 0.4028985 * hazke94.

-> if (e2attip  = 5 and
->     e3attip <> 5) hazke94s = hazke94s * 2.4820147.

-> compute hazke95s = hazke94s * hazke95.

-> if (e4egyen>40 and h4attip ne 5) hazke95s = hazke95.

-> if (e4egyen>40 and h4attip =  5) hazke95s = 0.4028985 * hazke95.

-> if (rsel95       = 1 and
->     sysmis(hazke95s) and
->     e4attip     <> 5) hazke95s = hazke95.

-> if (rsel95       = 1 and
->     sysmis(hazke95s) and
->     e4attip      = 5) hazke95s = 0.4028985 * hazke95.

-> if (e3attip  = 5 and
->     e4attip <> 5) hazke95s = hazke95s * 2.4820147.

-> compute hazke96s = hazke95s * hazke96.

-> if (e5egyen>50 and h5attip ne 5) hazke96s = hazke96.

-> if (e5egyen>50 and h5attip =  5) hazke96s = 0.4028985 * hazke96.

-> if (rsel96       = 1 and
->     sysmis(hazke96s) and
->     e5attip     <> 5) hazke96s = hazke96.

-> if (rsel96       = 1 and
->     sysmis(hazke96s) and
->     e5attip      = 5) hazke96s = 0.4028985 * hazke96.

-> if (e4attip  = 5 and
->     e5attip <> 5) hazke96s = hazke96s * 2.4820147.

-> compute hazke97s = hazke96s * hazke97.

-> if (e6egyen>60 and h6attip ne 5) hazke97s = hazke97.

-> if (e6egyen>60 and h6attip =  5) hazke97s = 0.4028985 * hazke97.

-> if (rsel97       = 1 and
->     sysmis(hazke97s) and
->     e6attip     <> 5) hazke97s = hazke97.

-> if (rsel97       = 1 and
->     sysmis(hazke97s) and
->     e6attip      = 5) hazke97s = 0.4028985 * hazke97.

-> if (e5attip  = 5 and
->     e6attip <> 5) hazke97s = hazke97s * 2.4820147.

-> fre hazke93s hazke94s hazke95s hazke96s hazke97s
->   /format notable / stat all.

Memory allows a total of 374.491 values accumulated across all variables.
There may be up to 46.811 value labels for each variable.


Mean           ,840      Std err        ,003      Median         ,976
Mode          1,003      Std dev        ,269      Variance       ,072
Kurtosis     -1,337      S E Kurt       ,060      Skewness      -,598
S E Skew       ,030      Range         1,044      Minimum        ,357
Maximum       1,401      Sum        5589,736

Valid cases    6655      Missing cases   1582

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Mean           ,888      Std err        ,004      Median         ,985
Mode           ,982      Std dev        ,281      Variance       ,079
Kurtosis      -,981      S E Kurt       ,062      Skewness      -,363
S E Skew       ,031      Range         1,644      Minimum        ,356
Maximum       2,000      Sum        5452,371

Valid cases    6142      Missing cases   2095

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Mean           ,986      Std err        ,004      Median        1,063
Mode          1,015      Std dev        ,306      Variance       ,093
Kurtosis      -,823      S E Kurt       ,066      Skewness      -,210
S E Skew       ,033      Range         1,863      Minimum        ,346
Maximum       2,209      Sum        5377,120

Valid cases    5451      Missing cases   2786

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Mean          1,103      Std err        ,005      Median        1,151
Mode          1,139      Std dev        ,358      Variance       ,128
Kurtosis      -,595      S E Kurt       ,071      Skewness      -,018
S E Skew       ,035      Range         2,532      Minimum        ,297
Maximum       2,829      Sum        5291,623

Valid cases    4797      Missing cases   3440

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Mean          1,371      Std err        ,008      Median        1,379
Mode          1,346      Std dev        ,467      Variance       ,218
Kurtosis      -,260      S E Kurt       ,080      Skewness       ,232
S E Skew       ,040      Range         2,958      Minimum        ,243
Maximum       3,201      Sum        5199,211

Valid cases    3792      Missing cases   4445

Preceding task required 6,82 seconds elapsed.

-> fre hazke95s.

Memory allows a total of 374.491 values accumulated across all variables.
There may be up to 46.811 value labels for each variable.


                                                        Valid     Cum
Value Label                 Value  Frequency  Percent  Percent  Percent

                        ,34641951         1       ,0       ,0       ,0
                        ,35017512         2       ,0       ,0       ,1
                        ,35654521         2       ,0       ,0       ,1
                        ,35845142         1       ,0       ,0       ,1
                        ,36230829         2       ,0       ,0       ,1
                        ,37875473         3       ,0       ,1       ,2
                        ,38399098         1       ,0       ,0       ,2
                        ,38971776         1       ,0       ,0       ,2
                        ,39201726         2       ,0       ,0       ,3
                        ,39640126         2       ,0       ,0       ,3
                        ,39660321         2       ,0       ,0       ,3
                        ,39685698         8       ,1       ,1       ,5
                        ,39848075         1       ,0       ,0       ,5
                        ,39954325         1       ,0       ,0       ,5
                        ,40362747         2       ,0       ,0       ,6
                        ,40381258         4       ,0       ,1       ,6
                        ,40467208         2       ,0       ,0       ,7
                        ,40807776         3       ,0       ,1       ,7
                        ,41109234         2       ,0       ,0       ,8
                        ,41388914         1       ,0       ,0       ,8
                        ,41539992         2       ,0       ,0       ,8
                        ,41600780         1       ,0       ,0       ,8
                        ,41867251         1       ,0       ,0       ,9
                        ,42077583         2       ,0       ,0       ,9
                        ,42078018         2       ,0       ,0       ,9
                        ,42163492         2       ,0       ,0      1,0
                        ,42208158         2       ,0       ,0      1,0
                        ,42300493         1       ,0       ,0      1,0
                        ,42484049         1       ,0       ,0      1,0
                        ,42632704         2       ,0       ,0      1,1
                        ,42906796         2       ,0       ,0      1,1
                        ,42916638         1       ,0       ,0      1,1
                        ,43364961         1       ,0       ,0      1,2
                        ,43620630         1       ,0       ,0      1,2
                        ,43686437         1       ,0       ,0      1,2
                        ,43727003         2       ,0       ,0      1,2
                        ,43797377         3       ,0       ,1      1,3
                        ,43953417         3       ,0       ,1      1,3
                        ,44032674         1       ,0       ,0      1,4
                        ,44075222         1       ,0       ,0      1,4
                        ,44081076         3       ,0       ,1      1,4
                        ,44106243         6       ,1       ,1      1,5
                        ,44160943        14       ,2       ,3      1,8
                        ,44293898         1       ,0       ,0      1,8
                        ,44846440         1       ,0       ,0      1,8
                        ,45018132         2       ,0       ,0      1,9
                        ,45029832         1       ,0       ,0      1,9
                        ,45103653         1       ,0       ,0      1,9
                        ,45179748         1       ,0       ,0      1,9
                        ,45313663         2       ,0       ,0      2,0
                        ,45508119         4       ,0       ,1      2,0
                        ,45787834         2       ,0       ,0      2,1
                        ,45859106         1       ,0       ,0      2,1
                        ,45988900         2       ,0       ,0      2,1
                        ,46005436         1       ,0       ,0      2,1
                        ,46034873         2       ,0       ,0      2,2
                        ,46144156         2       ,0       ,0      2,2
                        ,46518035         2       ,0       ,0      2,3
                        ,46536812         2       ,0       ,0      2,3
                        ,46564553         2       ,0       ,0      2,3
                        ,46604891         2       ,0       ,0      2,4
                        ,46672321         6       ,1       ,1      2,5
                        ,46748553         2       ,0       ,0      2,5
                        ,46757257         3       ,0       ,1      2,6
                        ,46816766         2       ,0       ,0      2,6
                        ,46953047         2       ,0       ,0      2,6
                        ,46983439         2       ,0       ,0      2,7
                        ,47030724         2       ,0       ,0      2,7
                        ,47130506         1       ,0       ,0      2,7
                        ,47167184         6       ,1       ,1      2,8
                        ,47256069         2       ,0       ,0      2,9
                        ,47327044         1       ,0       ,0      2,9
                        ,47345384         4       ,0       ,1      3,0
                        ,47477587         1       ,0       ,0      3,0
                        ,47568914         2       ,0       ,0      3,0
                        ,47580119         4       ,0       ,1      3,1
                        ,47600743         1       ,0       ,0      3,1
                        ,47672809         2       ,0       ,0      3,2
                        ,47703314         1       ,0       ,0      3,2
                        ,47745069         2       ,0       ,0      3,2
                        ,47990353         5       ,1       ,1      3,3
                        ,47995220         2       ,0       ,0      3,3
                        ,48021738         2       ,0       ,0      3,4
                        ,48084856         1       ,0       ,0      3,4
                        ,48112114         1       ,0       ,0      3,4
                        ,48150685         2       ,0       ,0      3,4
                        ,48210772         2       ,0       ,0      3,5
                        ,48241910         3       ,0       ,1      3,5
                        ,48260181         8       ,1       ,1      3,7
                        ,48280872         5       ,1       ,1      3,8
                        ,48294365         2       ,0       ,0      3,8
                        ,48340219         3       ,0       ,1      3,9
                        ,48460922         1       ,0       ,0      3,9
                        ,48461633         1       ,0       ,0      3,9
                        ,48532317         1       ,0       ,0      3,9
                        ,48558299        10       ,1       ,2      4,1
                        ,48610364         3       ,0       ,1      4,2
                        ,48726285         4       ,0       ,1      4,2
                        ,48745615         1       ,0       ,0      4,3
                        ,48759205        14       ,2       ,3      4,5
                        ,48895623         1       ,0       ,0      4,5
                        ,48948193         4       ,0       ,1      4,6
                        ,49031157         1       ,0       ,0      4,6
                        ,49080492         2       ,0       ,0      4,7
                        ,49102262         3       ,0       ,1      4,7
                        ,49110046         2       ,0       ,0      4,8
                        ,49243793         4       ,0       ,1      4,8
                        ,49256796         2       ,0       ,0      4,9
                        ,49288668         2       ,0       ,0      4,9
                        ,49317317         2       ,0       ,0      4,9
                        ,49387276         4       ,0       ,1      5,0
                        ,49387400         4       ,0       ,1      5,1
                        ,49402324         2       ,0       ,0      5,1
                        ,49414729         1       ,0       ,0      5,1
                        ,49433935         1       ,0       ,0      5,2
                        ,49440401         2       ,0       ,0      5,2
                        ,49446348         1       ,0       ,0      5,2
                        ,49525556         2       ,0       ,0      5,2
                        ,49539141         3       ,0       ,1      5,3
                        ,49542622         1       ,0       ,0      5,3
                        ,49643401         3       ,0       ,1      5,4
                        ,49653017         1       ,0       ,0      5,4
                        ,49704868         1       ,0       ,0      5,4
                        ,49705202         2       ,0       ,0      5,4
                        ,49750250         2       ,0       ,0      5,5
                        ,49874768         2       ,0       ,0      5,5
                        ,49917939         1       ,0       ,0      5,5
                        ,49991381         2       ,0       ,0      5,6
                        ,49993982         4       ,0       ,1      5,7
                        ,50000000         1       ,0       ,0      5,7
                        ,50027762         4       ,0       ,1      5,7
                        ,50041470         4       ,0       ,1      5,8
                        ,50084272         5       ,1       ,1      5,9
                        ,50206929         3       ,0       ,1      6,0
                        ,50273776         1       ,0       ,0      6,0
                        ,50292109         1       ,0       ,0      6,0
                        ,50343576         3       ,0       ,1      6,1
                        ,50369748         2       ,0       ,0      6,1
                        ,50427316         2       ,0       ,0      6,1
                        ,50432249         1       ,0       ,0      6,1
                        ,50545838         3       ,0       ,1      6,2
                        ,50563421         5       ,1       ,1      6,3
                        ,50648548         1       ,0       ,0      6,3
                        ,50649739         2       ,0       ,0      6,3
                        ,50676287         2       ,0       ,0      6,4
                        ,50702140         3       ,0       ,1      6,4
                        ,50907780         2       ,0       ,0      6,5
                        ,50983097         3       ,0       ,1      6,5
                        ,50998191         1       ,0       ,0      6,5
                        ,51002474         3       ,0       ,1      6,6
                        ,51148636         2       ,0       ,0      6,6
                        ,51185275         4       ,0       ,1      6,7
                        ,51217750         2       ,0       ,0      6,8
                        ,51256944         2       ,0       ,0      6,8
                        ,51282795         4       ,0       ,1      6,9
                        ,51291776         3       ,0       ,1      6,9
                        ,51292748         2       ,0       ,0      7,0
                        ,51353374         1       ,0       ,0      7,0
                        ,51382666         2       ,0       ,0      7,0
                        ,51550406         1       ,0       ,0      7,0
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                       1,21913188         4       ,0       ,1     76,3
                       1,21921865         2       ,0       ,0     76,4
                       1,21928696         2       ,0       ,0     76,4
                       1,22028538         4       ,0       ,1     76,5
                       1,22123928         2       ,0       ,0     76,5
                       1,22154198         4       ,0       ,1     76,6
                       1,22157173         1       ,0       ,0     76,6
                       1,22365947         6       ,1       ,1     76,7
                       1,22389314         2       ,0       ,0     76,8
                       1,22424232         6       ,1       ,1     76,9
                       1,22474679         3       ,0       ,1     76,9
                       1,22685669         4       ,0       ,1     77,0
                       1,22743697         1       ,0       ,0     77,0
                       1,22836984         8       ,1       ,1     77,2
                       1,23066470         5       ,1       ,1     77,3
                       1,23111695         2       ,0       ,0     77,3
                       1,23133924         4       ,0       ,1     77,4
                       1,23213569         2       ,0       ,0     77,4
                       1,23230117         6       ,1       ,1     77,5
                       1,23244147         7       ,1       ,1     77,6
                       1,23343489        11       ,1       ,2     77,8
                       1,23349069         3       ,0       ,1     77,9
                       1,23423609         4       ,0       ,1     78,0
                       1,23428012         5       ,1       ,1     78,1
                       1,23430068         4       ,0       ,1     78,1
                       1,23521926         3       ,0       ,1     78,2
                       1,23572358        10       ,1       ,2     78,4
                       1,23743508        20       ,2       ,4     78,7
                       1,23750478         2       ,0       ,0     78,8
                       1,23897976         3       ,0       ,1     78,8
                       1,23905577         4       ,0       ,1     78,9
                       1,24066177         3       ,0       ,1     79,0
                       1,24152363         2       ,0       ,0     79,0
                       1,24153180         5       ,1       ,1     79,1
                       1,24262945         4       ,0       ,1     79,2
                       1,24275206         3       ,0       ,1     79,2
                       1,24281512         3       ,0       ,1     79,3
                       1,24307357         3       ,0       ,1     79,3
                       1,24318781         3       ,0       ,1     79,4
                       1,24328483         3       ,0       ,1     79,4
                       1,24375516         8       ,1       ,1     79,6
                       1,24399963         2       ,0       ,0     79,6
                       1,24401409         4       ,0       ,1     79,7
                       1,24426268         4       ,0       ,1     79,8
                       1,24429787         5       ,1       ,1     79,9
                       1,24490795         5       ,1       ,1     79,9
                       1,24536371         1       ,0       ,0     80,0
                       1,24588387         6       ,1       ,1     80,1
                       1,24620595         3       ,0       ,1     80,1
                       1,24621091         3       ,0       ,1     80,2
                       1,24712644         1       ,0       ,0     80,2
                       1,24722631         4       ,0       ,1     80,3
                       1,24734854         3       ,0       ,1     80,3
                       1,24769557         3       ,0       ,1     80,4
                       1,24825956         5       ,1       ,1     80,5
                       1,24875393         5       ,1       ,1     80,6
                       1,25000000         1       ,0       ,0     80,6
                       1,25024597         2       ,0       ,0     80,6
                       1,25068885         6       ,1       ,1     80,7
                       1,25110265         3       ,0       ,1     80,8
                       1,25146130         4       ,0       ,1     80,9
                       1,25204518         4       ,0       ,1     80,9
                       1,25245098         3       ,0       ,1     81,0
                       1,25278816         3       ,0       ,1     81,0
                       1,25352113         8       ,1       ,1     81,2
                       1,25417586         4       ,0       ,1     81,3
                       1,25452175         3       ,0       ,1     81,3
                       1,25471698         1       ,0       ,0     81,3
                       1,25499069         2       ,0       ,0     81,4
                       1,25507412         3       ,0       ,1     81,4
                       1,25536393         2       ,0       ,0     81,5
                       1,25549346         2       ,0       ,0     81,5
                       1,25566442         2       ,0       ,0     81,5
                       1,25666552         4       ,0       ,1     81,6
                       1,25673649         4       ,0       ,1     81,7
                       1,25721789         5       ,1       ,1     81,8
                       1,25780128         3       ,0       ,1     81,8
                       1,25897370         2       ,0       ,0     81,9
                       1,25901411         5       ,1       ,1     82,0
                       1,25979882         6       ,1       ,1     82,1
                       1,26035109         3       ,0       ,1     82,1
                       1,26061369         5       ,1       ,1     82,2
                       1,26106683         2       ,0       ,0     82,3
                       1,26130952         2       ,0       ,0     82,3
                       1,26143036         5       ,1       ,1     82,4
                       1,26283129         5       ,1       ,1     82,5
                       1,26423815         4       ,0       ,1     82,6
                       1,26483411         3       ,0       ,1     82,6
                       1,26556271         3       ,0       ,1     82,7
                       1,26597042         3       ,0       ,1     82,7
                       1,26606409         2       ,0       ,0     82,8
                       1,26754397         1       ,0       ,0     82,8
                       1,26769979         4       ,0       ,1     82,8
                       1,26787233         5       ,1       ,1     82,9
                       1,26868423         2       ,0       ,0     83,0
                       1,26935637         4       ,0       ,1     83,0
                       1,27044566         3       ,0       ,1     83,1
                       1,27085995         2       ,0       ,0     83,1
                       1,27190060         4       ,0       ,1     83,2
                       1,27294911         4       ,0       ,1     83,3
                       1,27379494         8       ,1       ,1     83,4
                       1,27458486         3       ,0       ,1     83,5
                       1,27464659         5       ,1       ,1     83,6
                       1,27534701         4       ,0       ,1     83,7
                       1,27596222         4       ,0       ,1     83,7
                       1,27637083         5       ,1       ,1     83,8
                       1,27692769         4       ,0       ,1     83,9
                       1,27733420         5       ,1       ,1     84,0
                       1,27753147         8       ,1       ,1     84,1
                       1,27785724         3       ,0       ,1     84,2
                       1,27899931         2       ,0       ,0     84,2
                       1,27988296         4       ,0       ,1     84,3
                       1,28086331         2       ,0       ,0     84,3
                       1,28116343         1       ,0       ,0     84,4
                       1,28161747         1       ,0       ,0     84,4
                       1,28196203         1       ,0       ,0     84,4
                       1,28203607         4       ,0       ,1     84,5
                       1,28206457         2       ,0       ,0     84,5
                       1,28314347         4       ,0       ,1     84,6
                       1,28328379         1       ,0       ,0     84,6
                       1,28331553         4       ,0       ,1     84,7
                       1,28361586         3       ,0       ,1     84,7
                       1,28445537         4       ,0       ,1     84,8
                       1,28536531         2       ,0       ,0     84,8
                       1,28566539         3       ,0       ,1     84,9
                       1,28592681         2       ,0       ,0     84,9
                       1,28597151         4       ,0       ,1     85,0
                       1,28633708         4       ,0       ,1     85,1
                       1,28648218         7       ,1       ,1     85,2
                       1,28700304         2       ,0       ,0     85,2
                       1,28734403         4       ,0       ,1     85,3
                       1,28741771         4       ,0       ,1     85,4
                       1,28759525         1       ,0       ,0     85,4
                       1,28852795         2       ,0       ,0     85,4
                       1,28885559         7       ,1       ,1     85,6
                       1,28928028         3       ,0       ,1     85,6
                       1,28942657         3       ,0       ,1     85,7
                       1,28990959         5       ,1       ,1     85,8
                       1,29002202         7       ,1       ,1     85,9
                       1,29056039         5       ,1       ,1     86,0
                       1,29058075         6       ,1       ,1     86,1
                       1,29314031         6       ,1       ,1     86,2
                       1,29411765         1       ,0       ,0     86,2
                       1,29543756         2       ,0       ,0     86,3
                       1,29642857         2       ,0       ,0     86,3
                       1,29645101         6       ,1       ,1     86,4
                       1,29903497         3       ,0       ,1     86,5
                       1,30048873         4       ,0       ,1     86,5
                       1,30075630         5       ,1       ,1     86,6
                       1,30164866         5       ,1       ,1     86,7
                       1,30167905         3       ,0       ,1     86,8
                       1,30225031         3       ,0       ,1     86,8
                       1,30250932         2       ,0       ,0     86,9
                       1,30264169         2       ,0       ,0     86,9
                       1,30303684         4       ,0       ,1     87,0
                       1,30383586         2       ,0       ,0     87,0
                       1,30411473         3       ,0       ,1     87,1
                       1,30512580         4       ,0       ,1     87,1
                       1,30520225         5       ,1       ,1     87,2
                       1,30530538        12       ,1       ,2     87,5
                       1,30603330         3       ,0       ,1     87,5
                       1,30619584         4       ,0       ,1     87,6
                       1,30646508         2       ,0       ,0     87,6
                       1,30688586         3       ,0       ,1     87,7
                       1,30693567         3       ,0       ,1     87,7
                       1,30819406         2       ,0       ,0     87,8
                       1,30856951         3       ,0       ,1     87,8
                       1,30993384         4       ,0       ,1     87,9
                       1,31016466         2       ,0       ,0     87,9
                       1,31171739         4       ,0       ,1     88,0
                       1,31204823         5       ,1       ,1     88,1
                       1,31279318         1       ,0       ,0     88,1
                       1,31364788         2       ,0       ,0     88,1
                       1,31386067         1       ,0       ,0     88,2
                       1,31414229         4       ,0       ,1     88,2
                       1,31492813         1       ,0       ,0     88,3
                       1,31599484         3       ,0       ,1     88,3
                       1,31759415         3       ,0       ,1     88,4
                       1,31917146         4       ,0       ,1     88,4
                       1,32051463         3       ,0       ,1     88,5
                       1,32120623         4       ,0       ,1     88,6
                       1,32125315         2       ,0       ,0     88,6
                       1,32314554         4       ,0       ,1     88,7
                       1,32350695         2       ,0       ,0     88,7
                       1,32396839         1       ,0       ,0     88,7
                       1,32450380         1       ,0       ,0     88,8
                       1,32456906         2       ,0       ,0     88,8
                       1,32547540         8       ,1       ,1     88,9
                       1,32574010         1       ,0       ,0     89,0
                       1,32667354         1       ,0       ,0     89,0
                       1,32714856         4       ,0       ,1     89,0
                       1,32844451         3       ,0       ,1     89,1
                       1,32858217         4       ,0       ,1     89,2
                       1,32991717         3       ,0       ,1     89,2
                       1,33106493         4       ,0       ,1     89,3
                       1,33296806         4       ,0       ,1     89,4
                       1,33304084         2       ,0       ,0     89,4
                       1,33531511         4       ,0       ,1     89,5
                       1,33615697         2       ,0       ,0     89,5
                       1,33686321         4       ,0       ,1     89,6
                       1,33781646         1       ,0       ,0     89,6
                       1,33808606         4       ,0       ,1     89,7
                       1,33903052         2       ,0       ,0     89,7
                       1,33935275         4       ,0       ,1     89,8
                       1,33973975         3       ,0       ,1     89,9
                       1,34094977         3       ,0       ,1     89,9
                       1,34267758         2       ,0       ,0     89,9
                       1,34279919         2       ,0       ,0     90,0
                       1,34405556         2       ,0       ,0     90,0
                       1,34591653         3       ,0       ,1     90,1
                       1,34670305         2       ,0       ,0     90,1
                       1,34799485         1       ,0       ,0     90,1
                       1,35025757         4       ,0       ,1     90,2
                       1,35035264         2       ,0       ,0     90,2
                       1,35074736         5       ,1       ,1     90,3
                       1,35095292        22       ,3       ,4     90,7
                       1,35437670         4       ,0       ,1     90,8
                       1,35618306         5       ,1       ,1     90,9
                       1,35667013         3       ,0       ,1     91,0
                       1,35717336         1       ,0       ,0     91,0
                       1,35762871         5       ,1       ,1     91,1
                       1,35870324         1       ,0       ,0     91,1
                       1,35892639         4       ,0       ,1     91,2
                       1,35984166         5       ,1       ,1     91,2
                       1,36009030         5       ,1       ,1     91,3
                       1,36010891         2       ,0       ,0     91,4
                       1,36018148         2       ,0       ,0     91,4
                       1,36285559         3       ,0       ,1     91,5
                       1,36304385         4       ,0       ,1     91,5
                       1,36363636         2       ,0       ,0     91,6
                       1,36438456         5       ,1       ,1     91,7
                       1,36470588         3       ,0       ,1     91,7
                       1,36632625         2       ,0       ,0     91,8
                       1,36686842         3       ,0       ,1     91,8
                       1,36729853         5       ,1       ,1     91,9
                       1,36742068         4       ,0       ,1     92,0
                       1,36773221         3       ,0       ,1     92,0
                       1,36809668         4       ,0       ,1     92,1
                       1,36858857         5       ,1       ,1     92,2
                       1,36998607         3       ,0       ,1     92,3
                       1,37002945         3       ,0       ,1     92,3
                       1,37061735         4       ,0       ,1     92,4
                       1,37216609         6       ,1       ,1     92,5
                       1,37463349         4       ,0       ,1     92,6
                       1,37566792         4       ,0       ,1     92,6
                       1,37794375         3       ,0       ,1     92,7
                       1,38209530         4       ,0       ,1     92,8
                       1,38511348         9       ,1       ,2     92,9
                       1,38641757         3       ,0       ,1     93,0
                       1,38655224         6       ,1       ,1     93,1
                       1,38833186         9       ,1       ,2     93,3
                       1,38992724         4       ,0       ,1     93,3
                       1,39106982         2       ,0       ,0     93,4
                       1,39304748         1       ,0       ,0     93,4
                       1,39449767         9       ,1       ,2     93,6
                       1,39895737         4       ,0       ,1     93,6
                       1,40108043         1       ,0       ,0     93,7
                       1,40257824         4       ,0       ,1     93,7
                       1,40264860        13       ,2       ,2     94,0
                       1,40484515         2       ,0       ,0     94,0
                       1,40584936         2       ,0       ,0     94,0
                       1,40606653         3       ,0       ,1     94,1
                       1,40609783         5       ,1       ,1     94,2
                       1,40667457         5       ,1       ,1     94,3
                       1,41099965         4       ,0       ,1     94,3
                       1,41345764         3       ,0       ,1     94,4
                       1,41594261         4       ,0       ,1     94,5
                       1,41599281         4       ,0       ,1     94,6
                       1,41670897         3       ,0       ,1     94,6
                       1,41737138         2       ,0       ,0     94,6
                       1,41790695         2       ,0       ,0     94,7
                       1,42024450         5       ,1       ,1     94,8
                       1,42156863         1       ,0       ,0     94,8
                       1,42253388         2       ,0       ,0     94,8
                       1,42357832         4       ,0       ,1     94,9
                       1,42391438         2       ,0       ,0     94,9
                       1,42587728         2       ,0       ,0     95,0
                       1,42851128         5       ,1       ,1     95,1
                       1,42935898         4       ,0       ,1     95,1
                       1,43107303         3       ,0       ,1     95,2
                       1,43141260         2       ,0       ,0     95,2
                       1,43343857         3       ,0       ,1     95,3
                       1,43404380         5       ,1       ,1     95,4
                       1,43412302        14       ,2       ,3     95,6
                       1,43782188         2       ,0       ,0     95,7
                       1,43908644         7       ,1       ,1     95,8
                       1,43942842         3       ,0       ,1     95,9
                       1,44318653         3       ,0       ,1     95,9
                       1,44685939         2       ,0       ,0     95,9
                       1,44758148         2       ,0       ,0     96,0
                       1,44927337         3       ,0       ,1     96,0
                       1,44983315         2       ,0       ,0     96,1
                       1,45273353        29       ,4       ,5     96,6
                       1,45372049         2       ,0       ,0     96,6
                       1,45418129         2       ,0       ,0     96,7
                       1,45454545        10       ,1       ,2     96,9
                       1,45894882         3       ,0       ,1     96,9
                       1,46064092         2       ,0       ,0     97,0
                       1,46267992         4       ,0       ,1     97,0
                       1,46291560         1       ,0       ,0     97,0
                       1,46404744         2       ,0       ,0     97,1
                       1,46570763         3       ,0       ,1     97,1
                       1,46698091         3       ,0       ,1     97,2
                       1,46741533         4       ,0       ,1     97,3
                       1,47017649         3       ,0       ,1     97,3
                       1,47033449         4       ,0       ,1     97,4
                       1,47733315        11       ,1       ,2     97,6
                       1,47752993         4       ,0       ,1     97,7
                       1,48685587         2       ,0       ,0     97,7
                       1,49063054         2       ,0       ,0     97,7
                       1,49201484         4       ,0       ,1     97,8
                       1,49285714         1       ,0       ,0     97,8
                       1,49360144         5       ,1       ,1     97,9
                       1,50104343         2       ,0       ,0     98,0
                       1,50331838         3       ,0       ,1     98,0
                       1,50873389         2       ,0       ,0     98,1
                       1,52173890         8       ,1       ,1     98,2
                       1,52413589         2       ,0       ,0     98,2
                       1,52941176         4       ,0       ,1     98,3
                       1,53088901         5       ,1       ,1     98,4
                       1,53165663         3       ,0       ,1     98,5
                       1,53412005         2       ,0       ,0     98,5
                       1,53529602         4       ,0       ,1     98,6
                       1,53928571         4       ,0       ,1     98,6
                       1,54107943         3       ,0       ,1     98,7
                       1,54810071         2       ,0       ,0     98,7
                       1,55294391         5       ,1       ,1     98,8
                       1,55919260         3       ,0       ,1     98,9
                       1,56530612         3       ,0       ,1     98,9
                       1,56771471         1       ,0       ,0     99,0
                       1,57150159         3       ,0       ,1     99,0
                       1,57374389         5       ,1       ,1     99,1
                       1,58330359         4       ,0       ,1     99,2
                       1,58342263         2       ,0       ,0     99,2
                       1,58595888         2       ,0       ,0     99,2
                       1,59183673         1       ,0       ,0     99,3
                       1,60060472         2       ,0       ,0     99,3
                       1,63144680         2       ,0       ,0     99,3
                       1,63281250         1       ,0       ,0     99,4
                       1,64285714         8       ,1       ,1     99,5
                       1,64569152         2       ,0       ,0     99,5
                       1,66804326         2       ,0       ,0     99,6
                       1,68413280         3       ,0       ,1     99,6
                       1,68676443         2       ,0       ,0     99,7
                       1,69141247         3       ,0       ,1     99,7
                       1,69339658         1       ,0       ,0     99,7
                       1,74945978         4       ,0       ,1     99,8
                       1,77534459         2       ,0       ,0     99,9
                       1,81516896         2       ,0       ,0     99,9
                       1,93548387         1       ,0       ,0     99,9
                       2,05290729         1       ,0       ,0     99,9
                       2,16666667         2       ,0       ,0    100,0
                       2,20907411         2       ,0       ,0    100,0
                        ,              2786     33,8   Missing
                                     -------  -------  -------
                            Total      8237    100,0    100,0

Valid cases    5451      Missing cases   2786

Preceding task required 15,18 seconds elapsed.

-> * Gerek keresztmetszeti sly.

-> compute gyeke93s=hazke93s.

-> compute gyeke94s=hazke94s.

-> compute gyeke95s=hazke95s.

-> compute gyeke96s=hazke96s.

-> compute gyeke97s=hazke97s.

-> fre gyeke93s gyeke94s gyeke95s gyeke96s gyeke97s
->   /format notable / stat all.

Memory allows a total of 374.491 values accumulated across all variables.
There may be up to 46.811 value labels for each variable.


Mean           ,840      Std err        ,003      Median         ,976
Mode          1,003      Std dev        ,269      Variance       ,072
Kurtosis     -1,337      S E Kurt       ,060      Skewness      -,598
S E Skew       ,030      Range         1,044      Minimum        ,357
Maximum       1,401      Sum        5589,736

Valid cases    6655      Missing cases   1582

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Mean           ,888      Std err        ,004      Median         ,985
Mode           ,982      Std dev        ,281      Variance       ,079
Kurtosis      -,981      S E Kurt       ,062      Skewness      -,363
S E Skew       ,031      Range         1,644      Minimum        ,356
Maximum       2,000      Sum        5452,371

Valid cases    6142      Missing cases   2095

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Mean           ,986      Std err        ,004      Median        1,063
Mode          1,015      Std dev        ,306      Variance       ,093
Kurtosis      -,823      S E Kurt       ,066      Skewness      -,210
S E Skew       ,033      Range         1,863      Minimum        ,346
Maximum       2,209      Sum        5377,120

Valid cases    5451      Missing cases   2786

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Mean          1,103      Std err        ,005      Median        1,151
Mode          1,139      Std dev        ,358      Variance       ,128
Kurtosis      -,595      S E Kurt       ,071      Skewness      -,018
S E Skew       ,035      Range         2,532      Minimum        ,297
Maximum       2,829      Sum        5291,623

Valid cases    4797      Missing cases   3440

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Mean          1,371      Std err        ,008      Median        1,379
Mode          1,346      Std dev        ,467      Variance       ,218
Kurtosis      -,260      S E Kurt       ,080      Skewness       ,232
S E Skew       ,040      Range         2,958      Minimum        ,243
Maximum       3,201      Sum        5199,211

Valid cases    3792      Missing cases   4445

Preceding task required 5,41 seconds elapsed.

-> sort cases by case.

The file to be sorted contains 8.237 cases of 1.160 bytes each.
10.485.760 bytes of memory are available to the sort.
16.292 bytes is the minimum in which the sort will run.
10.847.972 bytes would suffice for an in-memory sort.

The data were already sorted.

Preceding task required 1,47 seconds elapsed.

-> save outfile 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\P_EgyHazGyeKe_S.sav'
->     /compressed.

Time stamp on saved file:  19 Mar 99 09:58:30
File contains 145 variables, 1.160 bytes per case before compression
8.237 cases were written to d:\panel99_cd_elokeszulet\...\p_egyhazgyeke_s.sav

Preceding task required 1,36 seconds elapsed.

-> *** 'Csak a CASE s a sly vltozk !'.

-> save outfile 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\SulyFile-ok\KerSuly.sav'
->     /compressed
->     /keep
->  case
->  egyke93s egyke94s egyke95s egyke96s egyke97s
->  hazke93s hazke94s hazke95s hazke96s hazke97s
->  gyeke93s gyeke94s gyeke95s gyeke96s gyeke97s .

Time stamp on saved file:  19 Mar 99 09:58:31
File contains 16 variables, 128 bytes per case before compression
8.237 cases were written to d:\panel99_cd_elokeszulet\sulyfile-ok\kersuly.sav

Preceding task required 1,44 seconds elapsed.

Andorka Rudolf

(1931-1997) szociológus, egyetemi tanár, 1990-től az MTA levelező tagja, a BKE rektora (1991-1997), az OTKA elnöke (1991-1996), a magyarországi Lutheránus Egyház világi elnöke. Andorka Rudolf számos folyóirat szerkesztőségének tagja volt. Az ISA Research Committee
28 on Social Stratification and Mobility (RC28) elnöke volt 1986 és 1990 között.


adatbázis letöltéshez

A honlapunk regisztrált felhasználó letölthetik a mind az MHP, mind a HÉV kutatási adatbázisait. Ha még nem regisztrált felhasználó, kérjük, kattintson ide. Az adatfelhasználási feltételeket megtekintheti a regisztrációs űrlapon. Legyen Ön is regisztrált felhasználónk.