háztartástipológia syntax 1995
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*HTTIP95.SPS FILE*****************************************************. * *. * MHP 4. HULLM HZTARTSSSZETTEL 1995 *. * HOUSEHOLD COMPOSITION 1995 *. * 4TH WAVE OF HHP STUDY *. * TARKI SOCIAL RESEARCH INFORMATICS CENTER *. * *. **********************************************************************. ** A HTTIP94.SPS file alapjn. GET FILE = 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\1995\1995.sav' /keep eazon95 h4htsz95 akttag95 h4bsor1 h4bnem1 h4bszu1 h4bcsl1 h4bht1 h4bgye1 h4btov1 h4bsor2 h4bnem2 h4bszu2 h4bcsl2 h4bht2 h4bgye2 h4btov2 h4bsor3 h4bnem3 h4bszu3 h4bcsl3 h4bht3 h4bgye3 h4btov3 h4bsor4 h4bnem4 h4bszu4 h4bcsl4 h4bht4 h4bgye4 h4btov4 h4bsor5 h4bnem5 h4bszu5 h4bcsl5 h4bht5 h4bgye5 h4btov5 h4bsor6 h4bnem6 h4bszu6 h4bcsl6 h4bht6 h4bgye6 h4btov6 h4bsor7 h4bnem7 h4bszu7 h4bcsl7 h4bht7 h4bgye7 h4btov7 h4bsor8 h4bnem8 h4bszu8 h4bcsl8 h4bht8 h4bgye8 h4btov8 h4bsor9 h4bnem9 h4bszu9 h4bcsl9 h4bht9 h4bgye9 h4btov9 h4bsor10 h4bnem10 h4bszu10 h4bcsl10 h4bht10 h4bgye10 h4btov10 h4bsor11 h4bnem11 h4bszu11 h4bcsl11 h4bht11 h4bgye11 h4btov11 h4bsor12 h4bnem12 h4bszu12 h4bcsl12 h4bht12 h4bgye12 h4btov12 h4bsor13 h4bnem13 h4bszu13 h4bcsl13 h4bht13 h4bgye13 h4btov13 h4bsor14 h4bnem14 h4bszu14 h4bcsl14 h4bht14 h4bgye14 h4btov14 . * Az aktv (a 4. hullmban szerepl) hztartsok kivlasztsa. * Selection of valid households, ie. those who completed * household questionnaire in 4th wave. select if (akttag95 = 1). execute. compute hsize95 = 0. compute ht95 = 0. compute hhage95 = 0. compute hhage95a = 0. compute h4bbaba = 0. compute h4bbaba2 = 0. compute h4bkor18 = 0. format hsize95 ht95 hhage95 hhage95a h4bbaba h4bbaba2 h4bkor18 (f2.0). Variable Label hsize95 'Hztarts nagysg 95' /ht95 'hztarts sszettel 1995' /hhage95 'A hztartsf kora /14 kategria/' /hhage95a 'A hztartsf kora /vek szma/' /h4bbaba 'a legkisebb 16 alatti HT tag kora /5 kategria/' /h4bbaba2 'a legkisebb 16 alatti HT tag kora /vek szma/' /h4bkor18 'a 18 v alatti hztartstagok szma'. * A hztartstagok kora . * Calculation of members' age. Compute h4bkor1 = 95 - h4bszu1. Compute h4bkor2 = 95 - h4bszu2. Compute h4bkor3 = 95 - h4bszu3. Compute h4bkor4 = 95 - h4bszu4. Compute h4bkor5 = 95 - h4bszu5. Compute h4bkor6 = 95 - h4bszu6. Compute h4bkor7 = 95 - h4bszu7. Compute h4bkor8 = 95 - h4bszu8. Compute h4bkor9 = 95 - h4bszu9. Compute h4bkor10 = 95 - h4bszu10. Compute h4bkor11 = 95 - h4bszu11. Compute h4bkor12 = 95 - h4bszu12. Compute h4bkor13 = 95 - h4bszu13. Compute h4bkor14 = 95 - h4bszu14. * Gyakorisg. frequencies variables h4bkor1 h4bkor2 h4bkor3 h4bkor4 h4bkor5 h4bkor6 h4bkor7 h4bkor8 h4bkor9 h4bkor10 h4bkor11 h4bkor12 h4bkor13 h4bkor14 /sta all /format notable. * Az eredeti h4bht1...ht14 vltozkat tkdoljuk, majd a * 'nem rokonokat' (N=35) az 'egyb rokonok'-kal sszevonjuk. * Recoding original variables in order to save information. * 'Non-relative members' will be treated as 'other relatives'. compute ht1 = H4BHT1. compute ht2 = H4BHT2. compute ht3 = H4BHT3. compute ht4 = H4BHT4. compute ht5 = H4BHT5. compute ht6 = H4BHT6. compute ht7 = H4BHT7. compute ht8 = H4BHT8. compute ht9 = H4BHT9. compute ht10 = H4BHT10. compute ht11 = H4BHT11. compute ht12 = H4BHT12. compute ht13 = H4BHT13. compute ht14 = H4BHT14. recode ht1 ht2 ht3 ht4 ht5 ht6 ht7 ht8 ht9 ht10 ht11 ht12 ht13 ht14 (9 = 8). * Ujrakdoljuk a 18 v alatti gyermekeket. * Recoding children under 18. If (ht1 eq 4 and h4bkor1 gt 18) ht1 = 9. If (ht2 eq 4 and h4bkor2 gt 18) ht2 = 9. If (ht3 eq 4 and h4bkor3 gt 18) ht3 = 9. If (ht4 eq 4 and h4bkor4 gt 18) ht4 = 9. If (ht5 eq 4 and h4bkor5 gt 18) ht5 = 9. If (ht6 eq 4 and h4bkor6 gt 18) ht6 = 9. If (ht7 eq 4 and h4bkor7 gt 18) ht7 = 9. If (ht8 eq 4 and h4bkor8 gt 18) ht8 = 9. If (ht9 eq 4 and h4bkor9 gt 18) ht9 = 9. If (ht10 eq 4 and h4bkor10 gt 18) ht10 = 9. If (ht11 eq 4 and h4bkor11 gt 18) ht11 = 9. If (ht12 eq 4 and h4bkor12 gt 18) ht12 = 9. If (ht13 eq 4 and h4bkor13 gt 18) ht13 = 9. If (ht14 eq 4 and h4bkor14 gt 18) ht14 = 9. If ((HT1 eq 7 or HT1 eq 8) and h4bkor1 le 18) HT1 = 10. If ((HT2 eq 7 or HT2 eq 8) and h4bkor2 le 18) HT2 = 10. If ((HT3 eq 7 or HT3 eq 8) and h4bkor3 le 18) HT3 = 10. If ((HT4 eq 7 or HT4 eq 8) and h4bkor4 le 18) HT4 = 10. If ((HT5 eq 7 or HT5 eq 8) and h4bkor5 le 18) HT5 = 10. If ((HT6 eq 7 or HT6 eq 8) and h4bkor6 le 18) HT6 = 10. If ((HT7 eq 7 or HT7 eq 8) and h4bkor7 le 18) HT7 = 10. If ((HT8 eq 7 or HT8 eq 8) and h4bkor8 le 18) HT8 = 10. If ((HT9 eq 7 or HT9 eq 8) and h4bkor9 le 18) HT9 = 10. If ((HT10 eq 7 or HT10 eq 8) and h4bkor10 le 18) HT10 = 10. If ((HT11 eq 7 or HT11 eq 8) and h4bkor11 le 18) HT11 = 10. If ((HT12 eq 7 or HT12 eq 8) and h4bkor12 le 18) HT12 = 10. If ((HT13 eq 7 or HT13 eq 8) and h4bkor13 le 18) HT13 = 10. If ((HT14 eq 7 or HT14 eq 8) and h4bkor14 le 18) HT14 = 10. * Megszmoljuk a hztarts tagokat. * Counting household members. Count c1 = HT1 HT2 HT3 HT4 HT5 HT6 HT7 HT8 HT9 HT10 HT11 HT12 HT13 HT14 (1). Count c2 = HT1 HT2 HT3 HT4 HT5 HT6 HT7 HT8 HT9 HT10 HT11 HT12 HT13 HT14 (2). Count c3 = HT1 HT2 HT3 HT4 HT5 HT6 HT7 HT8 HT9 HT10 HT11 HT12 HT13 HT14 (3). Count c4 = HT1 HT2 HT3 HT4 HT5 HT6 HT7 HT8 HT9 HT10 HT11 HT12 HT13 HT14 (4). Count c5 = HT1 HT2 HT3 HT4 HT5 HT6 HT7 HT8 HT9 HT10 HT11 HT12 HT13 HT14 (5). Count c6 = HT1 HT2 HT3 HT4 HT5 HT6 HT7 HT8 HT9 HT10 HT11 HT12 HT13 HT14 (6). Count c7 = HT1 HT2 HT3 HT4 HT5 HT6 HT7 HT8 HT9 HT10 HT11 HT12 HT13 HT14 (7). Count c8 = HT1 HT2 HT3 HT4 HT5 HT6 HT7 HT8 HT9 HT10 HT11 HT12 HT13 HT14 (8). Count c9 = HT1 HT2 HT3 HT4 HT5 HT6 HT7 HT8 HT9 HT10 HT11 HT12 HT13 HT14 (9). Count c10 = HT1 HT2 HT3 HT4 HT5 HT6 HT7 HT8 HT9 HT10 HT11 HT12 HT13 HT14 (10). * Hztarts nagysg. * Household size. * Count hsize95 = HT1 HT2 HT3 HT4 HT5 HT6 HT7 HT8 HT9 HT10 (1 thru 10). compute hsize95 = h4htsz95 . frequencies variables HSIZE95. * Hztarts sszettel: segdvltozk bevezetse. * Household composition: definition of auxiliary variables. Recode c1 to c10 (sysmis, missing, 0.00, 0=0). Compute c23 = 0. Compute c56 = 0. Compute c49 = 0. Compute c410 = 0. Compute c910 = 0. If (c2 eq 1 or c3 eq 1) c23=1. If (c5 ge 1 or c6 ge 1) c56=1. If (c4 gt 0 and c9 gt 0) c49=1. If (c4 gt 0 and c10 gt 0) c410=1. If (c9 gt 0 and c10 gt 0) c910=1. Compute c78=c7+c8. Compute c5678=c5+c6+c7+c8. Compute c156=c1+c5+c6. Compute c12356=c1+c2+c3+c5+c6. Compute c14=c1+c4. Compute c19=c1+c9. Compute c110=c1+c10. Compute c1234=c1+c2+c3+c4. Compute c1239=c1+c2+c3+c9. Compute c12310=c1+c2+c3+c10. Compute c1564=c1+c5+c6+c4. Compute c1569=c1+c5+c6+c9. Compute c15610=c1+c5+c6+c10. Compute c123564=c1+c2+c3+c5+c6+c4. Compute c123569=c1+c2+c3+c5+c6+c9. Compute c1235610=c1+c2+c3+c5+c6+c10. Compute c156784=c1+c5+c6+c7+c8+c4. Compute c156789=c1+c5+c6+c7+c8+c9. Compute c1567810=c1+c5+c6+c7+c8+c10. Compute c1_8=c1+c2+c3+c5+c6+c7+c8+c4. Compute c1_9_4=c1+c2+c3+c5+c6+c7+c8+c9. Compute c1_10_49=c1+c2+c3+c5+c6+c7+c8+c10. Compute c15678=c1+c5+c6+c7+c8. Compute c1235678=c1+c2+c3+c5+c6+c7+c8. Compute c12349=c1+c2+c3+c4+c9. Compute c123410=c1+c2+c3+c4+c10. Compute c123910=c1+c2+c3+c9+c10. Compute c149=c1+c4+c9. Compute c1410=c1+c4+c10. Compute c1910=c1+c9+c10. * Hztarts sszettel2:hztartstpusok ltrehozsa . Compute ht95=0. If (hsize95 gt 0) ht95=33. If (hsize95 eq 1) ht95=1. If (c23 eq 1 and hsize95 eq 2) ht95=2. If (c23 ne 1 and hsize95 eq 2) ht95=3. If (c23 eq 1 and c4 gt 0 and hsize95 eq c1234) ht95=4. If (c23 eq 1 and c9 gt 0 and hsize95 eq c1239) ht95=5. If (c23 eq 1 and c10 gt 0 and hsize95 eq c12310) ht95=6. If (c23 eq 1 and c56 gt 0 and c4 gt 0 and hsize95 eq c123564) ht95=7. If (c23 eq 1 and c56 gt 0 and c9 gt 0 and hsize95 eq c123569) ht95=8. If (c23 eq 1 and c56 gt 0 and c10 gt 0 and hsize95 eq c1235610) ht95=9. If (c23=1 and c5678>0 and c78>0 and c4>0 and hsize95=c1_8) ht95=10. If (c23=1 and c5678>0 and c78>0 and c9>0 and hsize95=c1_9_4) ht95=11. If (c23=1 and c5678>0 and c78>0 and c10>0 and hsize95=c1_10_49) ht95=12. If (c4 gt 0 and hsize95 eq c14) ht95=13. If (c9 gt 0 and hsize95 eq c19) ht95=14. If (c10 gt 0 and hsize95 eq c110) ht95=15. If (c4 gt 0 and c56 gt 0 and hsize95 eq c1564) ht95=16. If (c9 gt 0 and c56 gt 0 and hsize95 eq c1569) ht95=17. If (c10 gt 0 and c56 gt 0 and hsize95 eq c15610) ht95=18. If (c4 gt 0 and c5678>0 and c78>0 and hsize95 eq c156784) ht95=19. If (c9 gt 0 and c5678>0 and c78>0 and hsize95 eq c156789) ht95=20. If (c10 gt 0 and c5678>0 and c78>0 and hsize95 eq c1567810) ht95=21. If (c23 gt 0 and c56 eq 1 and hsize95 eq c12356) ht95=22. If (c23 gt 0 and c5678>0 and c78>0 and hsize95 eq c1235678) ht95=23. If (c56 gt 0 and hsize95 eq c156) ht95=24. If (c5678 gt 0 and c78 gt 0 and hsize95 eq c15678) ht95=25. If (c23 eq 1 and c49 eq 1 and hsize95=c12349) ht95=26. If (c23 eq 1 and c410 eq 1 and hsize95=c123410) ht95=27. If (c23 eq 1 and c910 eq 1 and hsize95=c123910) ht95=28. If (c49 eq 1 and hsize95=c149) ht95=29. If (c410 eq 1 and hsize95=c1410) ht95=30. If (c910 eq 1 and hsize95=c1910) ht95=31. If (ht95 eq 33 and (c4 gt 0 or c10 gt 0)) ht95=32. Value Labels ht95 1 'egyszemlyes hztarts' 2 'pr' 3 'ms ktszemlyes hztarts' 4 'pr+sajt gyermek<18' 5 'pr+sajt gyermek>18' 6 'pr+ms gyermek<18' 7 'pr+sajt gyermek<18+szl' 8 'pr+sajt gyermek>18+szl' 9 'pr+ms gyermek<18+szl' 10 'pr+sajt gyermek<18+ms felnttek(+szl)' 11 'pr+sajt gyermek>18+ms felnttek(+szl)' 12 'pr+ms gyermek<18+szl+ms rokonok' 13 'egyedlll szl+sajt gyermek<18' 14 'egyedlll szl+sajt gyermek>18' 15 'egyedlll szl+ms gyermek<18' 16 'egyedlll szl+sajt gyermek<18+szl' 17 'egyedlll szl+sajt gyermek>18+szl' 18 'egyedlll szl+ms gyermek<18+szl' 19 'egyedlll szl+sajt gyermek<18+ms felntt(+szl)' 20 'egyedlll szl+sajt gyermek>18+ms felntt(+szl)' 21 'egyedlll szl+ms gyermek<18+ms felntt(+szl)' 22 'pr+szls' 23 'pr+ms felnttek(+szls)' 24 'egyedlll szemly+szl' 25 'egyedlll szemly+ms rokonok' 26 'pr+sajt gyermek<18+sajt gyermek>18' 27 'pr+sajt gyermek<18+ms gyermek<18' 28 'pr+sajt gyermek>18+ms gyermek<18' 29 'egyedlll szl+sajt gyermek<18+sajt gyermek>18' 30 'egyedlll szl+sajt gyermek<18+ms gyermek<18' 31 'egyedlll szl+sajt gyermek>18+ms gyermek<18' 32 'egyb hztartsok gyermekkel<18' 33 'egyb hztartsok'. frequencies variables ht95. Recode ht95 (0=sysmis). frequencies variables ht95. * A 18 v alatti hztartstagok szma. * Number of members aged 18 or younger. Count h4bkor18 = h4bkor1 h4bkor2 h4bkor3 h4bkor4 h4bkor5 h4bkor6 h4bkor7 h4bkor8 h4bkor9 h4bkor10 h4bkor11 h4bkor12 h4bkor13 h4bkor14 (0 thru 18). If (hsize95=0) h4bkor18=999. Recode h4bkor18 (999=sysmis). frequencies variables h4bkor18. * A hztartsf kora. * Age of household head. Compute hhage95a = 0. If (HT1 = 1) hhage95a = h4bkor1. If (HT2 = 1) hhage95a = h4bkor2. If (HT3 = 1) hhage95a = h4bkor3. If (HT4 = 1) hhage95a = h4bkor4. If (HT5 = 1) hhage95a = h4bkor5. If (HT6 = 1) hhage95a = h4bkor6. If (HT7 = 1) hhage95a = h4bkor7. If (HT8 = 1) hhage95a = h4bkor8. If (HT9 = 1) hhage95a = h4bkor9. If (HT10 = 1) hhage95a = h4bkor10. If (HT11 = 1) hhage95a = h4bkor11. If (HT12 = 1) hhage95a = h4bkor12. If (HT13 = 1) hhage95a = h4bkor13. If (HT14 = 1) hhage95a = h4bkor14. If (hsize95=0) hhage95a = 999. Recode hhage95a (999 = sysmis). frequencies variables hhage95A. Recode hhage95a (lo thru 19 = 1) (20 thru 24 = 2) (25 thru 29 = 3) (30 thru 34 = 4) (35 thru 39 = 5) (40 thru 44 = 6) (45 thru 49 = 7) (50 thru 54 = 8) (55 thru 59 = 9) (60 thru 64 = 10) (65 thru 69 = 11) (70 thru 74 = 12) (75 thru 79 = 13) (80 thru hi = 14) (else = sysmis) into hhage95. Value label hhage95 1 '20 vesnl fiatalabb' 2 '20-24 ves' 3 '25-29 ves' 4 '30-34 ves' 5 '35-39 ves' 6 '40-44 ves' 7 '45-49 ves' 8 '50-54 ves' 9 '55-59 ves' 10 '60-64 ves' 11 '65-69 ves' 12 '70-74 ves' 13 '75-79 ves' 14 '80 vesnl idsebb'. frequencies variables hhage95. * A legkisebb 16 v alatti hztartstag kora. * Age of the youngest child under 16. Compute h4bbaba2 = 999. If (h4bkor1 le 16 and h4bkor1 lt h4bbaba2) h4bbaba2 = h4bkor1. If (h4bkor2 le 16 and h4bkor2 lt h4bbaba2) h4bbaba2 = h4bkor2. If (h4bkor3 le 16 and h4bkor3 lt h4bbaba2) h4bbaba2 = h4bkor3. If (h4bkor4 le 16 and h4bkor4 lt h4bbaba2) h4bbaba2 = h4bkor4. If (h4bkor5 le 16 and h4bkor5 lt h4bbaba2) h4bbaba2 = h4bkor5. If (h4bkor6 le 16 and h4bkor6 lt h4bbaba2) h4bbaba2 = h4bkor6. If (h4bkor7 le 16 and h4bkor7 lt h4bbaba2) h4bbaba2 = h4bkor7. If (h4bkor8 le 16 and h4bkor8 lt h4bbaba2) h4bbaba2 = h4bkor8. If (h4bkor9 le 16 and h4bkor9 lt h4bbaba2) h4bbaba2 = h4bkor9. If (h4bkor10 le 16 and h4bkor10 lt h4bbaba2) h4bbaba2 = h4bkor10. If (h4bkor11 le 16 and h4bkor11 lt h4bbaba2) h4bbaba2 = h4bkor11. If (h4bkor12 le 16 and h4bkor12 lt h4bbaba2) h4bbaba2 = h4bkor12. If (h4bkor13 le 16 and h4bkor13 lt h4bbaba2) h4bbaba2 = h4bkor13. If (h4bkor14 le 16 and h4bkor14 lt h4bbaba2) h4bbaba2 = h4bkor14. frequencies variables h4bbaba2. Recode h4bbaba2 (lo thru 3 = 1) ( 4 thru 6 = 2) (7 thru 9 = 3) (10 thru 12 = 4) (13 thru 16 = 5) (else = 0) into H4BBABA. VALUE LABEL H4BBABA 0 'nincs <16 ves gyerek' 1 '0-3 ves' 2 '4-6 ves' 3 '7-9 ves' 4 '10-12 ves' 5 '13-16 ves'. If (hsize95=0) h4bbaba2 = 999. Recode h4bbaba2 (999=sysmis). Recode hsize95 (0=sysmis). frequencies variables h4bbaba. Save Outfile = 'd:\Panel99_CD_Elokeszulet\1995\httip95.sav' /Compressed /Keep eazon95 HSIZE95 HT95 H4BKOR18 HHAGE95 HHAGE95A H4BBABA H4BBABA2 .