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Sheri Bunbury

Location: United Kingdom, Wednesfield
Benvenuto, people I am a Maliswali staying in NJ. Postnatal Massage Therapy is in fact performed by South-Asian-Indian females, customarily a family person of advanced age. Postnatal Massage Therapy techniques are taught by Grandmothers and the like, and the benefits of Postnatal Massage were well-known for aeons. These sage helpers knew about herbal treatments. The new Mom was helped in getting back to excellent health, and this massage practitioner was referred to as a Maliswali, or "Massage Guardian." The infant and mother both get a massage. The practices go back ages, but in actuality Hindu civilization predates the date researchers accept as the inception of life that would be recognizable to a modern person. I am known as Chakrika, which means Lakshmi.

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