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Reggie Lakeland

Location: Australia, Paloona
Ernestine is the name people use to call her though she doesn't really like being called like that. After being out of his job for years he became an office clerk and she's doing pretty good financially. To collect greeting cards is something my wife doesn't really like but I do. Nebraska is the place she loves most and she doesn't plan on changing it. See what's new on his website here:

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adatbázis letöltéshez

A honlapunk regisztrált felhasználó letölthetik a mind az MHP, mind a HÉV kutatási adatbázisait. Ha még nem regisztrált felhasználó, kérjük, kattintson ide. Az adatfelhasználási feltételeket megtekintheti a regisztrációs űrlapon. Legyen Ön is regisztrált felhasználónk.